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Show CZAR'S MEN MARCHING ON Thousands Are Near Port Arthur. 1 Japs Also Massing Troops Near There and a Battle Is Imminent. Brown Men Will Have Fifty Thousand Thou-sand Soldiers When Attack Is Made on Town. LONDON, May 20. A. G. Hales, the correspondent of the Daily News, cables from Tien Tsln aa 1'ollowa, under date of May 19: 'It is reported that 70,000 Ruslans are marching to the relief of Port Author. I and the Japanese are consequently hastening offensive operations. "Fortj'-flve thousand troops already have landed at Kin Chau and Tallen-wan, Tallen-wan, thus entirely investing Port Arthur. Ar-thur. The Japanese advancu lines are seven miles from the Russian batteries. Skirmishes occurred yesterday along the railroad. "It is believed that the Japanese intend in-tend to attack Port Arthur with the ontlre force when it numbere 50,000 men. They are mounting six-Inch naval guns on steel wheels, with the objcot of silencing si-lencing the Russian batteries. "The Manchtirlan railway, south of Harbin Ik constantly broken by Chinese marauders, and the Russians threaten reprisals The Russians admit that they have to contend with terrible difficulties dif-ficulties along the whole line. Their men, however, are behaving splendidly and they are very confident." |