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Show LIGHT TRADING ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE The day on tho mining exchange closed on the sale of 15.7G0 shares of slock for $3S73,S7, and with the market generally unchanged. Daly-Judge came forth to a bid of $1.10 at the opening session and was then marked up to $1.50, while Daly West was traded in at tTl.lb, on which Investment it is paying pay-ing the shareholders belter than P.0 per cent, with Century, whose May dividend divi-dend will bo passed 'round today, changing hands at 75Vs. Tetro was not so buoyant as on the previous day and sold down to 30V cents, while Carlsa made, fractional gains, with Little Chief quite active up to 1 cents. Star Con. had a few more shares awaiting the early comers, a"s did May Day, while another wad of Beck Tunnel came out to a bid of C cents, the day closing on the following market: A. M. P. M. I Bid. A3kcd. Bid. Askcd. Ajax 1$ .121? .16 I $ .12Vi$ .15 Alice 15 1 .15 Bull.-Beck .. l.no 3.U) 1.50 Butlcr-LIb .. .12 ,13V .12 .13 Carlsa 07 .0S&. .07,i .GS Century 75 .78 .75 . 75'i Con. Mcrcur. I .32 .29 ( .31 Daly 2.15 2.-J0 2.12& 2.40 Daly-Judgo . 4.02& -1.50 1.0214 -J.50 Daly West . 22. CO 23.00 22. GO 22.75 E. & B. B... An 1.00 .f.5 1.00 Galena 03 w. .03 Grand Cent.. -1.50 4.C0 -A'- -1.67'a Horn Silver . 1.00 1.00 Ingot CO'A .01 Joe Bowers.. .00 .C0i .00- .00 Little Boll 1.00 SO Little Chief . .011 ,01 .Oiy, .01, L. Mammoth .10 .21 .10 .1S La Relno 05Vu .051 .(Mi . Mammoth 1.00 1.00 Manhattan 00 3-1G May Day 01ft .01 .01 .WVj Mar. Wash . ,00? .01 .00 .0114 Montana-T .. 1.G3 1.71 L63 1.G5' Now York .. .00 .10 09',& Ontario 3.25 3.50 Pctro 02A Rleh.-Ana . . .0OV .01 01 Rocco-H . ..) CO 50 Sunshine , ..I 00 Swansea . .. .17 .35 .20 .35 S. Swansea. 03 Sacramento . .1-1 .15 .11 .15 Silver King . 51.50 51.50 51.75 50.00 Star Cons ... .12 J .13 .13 .1?, Silver Shield. .01I .02 .01 .D2", Totro .30 .31Vi .30 .31 Unlt'd Statesl 1D.62W 13.75 20.50 Undo Sam ..I .17i .19 .18 .! Victor 1 03 Yankee Con.. .35 ) .3C .33 .-10 MORNING SALES. ' Daly-Judge, 10-3 at $1.10. Shares sold, 100. Selling value, fllO. OPEN BOARD. Carlsa. 1000 at 7?ic. Century. 200 at 75c. Little Chief. 2500 at l'iC Tetro, 2030 at 31c; 100 at 31'Ac. Shares, sold, 5W0. Selling value, $911.75. AFTERNOON SALES. . Daly West. 10 at $22.70. JJ 1 May Day, 2000 at -P.C. ' ,i Star Con.. -100 at 13c. - '! ! I Little Chief. OXO at l'.Jc. ) ' Tetro, 5CO at 31c: COO at 30ic. ' - J ; Sharon sold, 5-110. Selling value, 5701.50. ; , OPEN BOARD. Bullion-Beck Tunnel, 20(0 at Co. ' . Century, 100 at 75', Daly West, EO at J22.75. Llttlo Chief. 20(0 at lfte. Martha Washington. 300 at lc. Tetro. 500 at SOvdc; 100 at 30c Shares sold. 4150. Selling value, 5IS50.G2. San Francisco Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, May 19. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today to-day were as follows: Andes $ .20 Justice 10 Belcher 3-1 Mexican 1.85 Best & B .-1.45 Occidental Con.. .79 Bullion OS Oplilr G.75 Caledonia SO Overman 31 Challenge C. .21 Potoal 1G Chollar 18 Savage 35 Confidence 1.10 Scg. Belcher ... .12 Con. C. & Y.... 1.70 Sierra Nevada . .10 Con. Imperial .. .02 Silver II1U 55 Crown Point ... .22 Union Con GS Exchequer 31 Utah Con OS Gould & C 29 Yellow Jacket... .22 Hale & Nor GO NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Adams Con. ... $ .25 Llttlo Chief ... .03 Alice .5 Ontario 3.50 Brcece 10 Ophlr 5.12 Brunswick C. .. 07 Phoenix 07 Com. Tunnel ... .10 Potosl 13 Con. C. & V.... 1.55 Savage 30 Horn Silver 1.35 Sierra Nevada . .40 Iron Silver 1.50 Small Hopes ... .15 Leadvllle C 02 Standard 2,00 BOSTON MINING STOCKS. Adventure ..$ L75 i Mohawk 39.00 Allouez 3 75 M. C. & C. 4.50 Amal 4S.G2yjOId Dom. .. 11.50 Am. JJIno 9.50 Osceola C5.00 Atlantic 7.50 Parrot 23.50 Bingham 20.75 Qulncy S0.0O C. & II 455.00 Shannon .... 7.00 Centennial .. IS. 75 Tamarack... 90.00 Copper R. .. 41.00 Trlititv 3.75 Daly West .. 22.26 U. S. Min. .. 19.S7 Dom. Coal .. Gl.00 IT. S. Oil .... 9.00 Franklin .... 7.50 UUih 33.G2& Grancy 3.33 Victoria 2.87 Isle Royale.. G.12 Winona 5.75 Mass. Mln. .. 2.75 Wolverine ... 70.00 Mich 4.00 Boston Market Dull. Special to Tho Tribune. BOSTON, Mass., May 19. The Boston market grows duller and duller each day. More stoclcs were for sale today than on yesterday, but the bids In many Issues wore somewhat scarce. The list shows a decilric of about half a point for copper Bharcs, while the local group suffered a further decline In somo Instances. There Is very little In the copper share market to interest traders. They want to sec more commission house business before they attempt to trado and at present pay more attention to the New York list than to tho local market. In the afternoon the strength In New York failed to bring a response from the Boston market and prices closed quiet. Hornblower & Weeks, brokers, 53 State street, Bonton, and 10 : YVnll street. New York, furnlnh the follow- Inc quotations; Sales. High. Low. Close. Am tlgamatod ..1,211 $45.75 $4S.37. $-18.50 Bingham 21.00 20.75 Daly West t 75 22.50 Mercur GO .33 HU?h ,'V, 410 S3.r'-V 03.25 33.62V& Umei? iates 20.00 lO.ilVt i Curb Boston, J5.75SC.00. |