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Show I austrauan'champ. " TO RISE m ZiON Fred' Schepps and Orlando Stevens on Way to Salt Lake Hopper and Collett Matched. IN a letter to Manager Hcagren of the Salt Palace saucer track Fred Schepps. champion cyclist of Australia, announces an-nounces that he ,wlll reach Salt Lake about June 10 and w'ill spend tho remainder remain-der of the month riding apahiBt the criuks jU tho local track. Schepps loft Australia Monday, morning on the steamship Ventura Ven-tura and will probably spend the entlro summer in the United States. He will rtmaln in this city two wcolcs or more before going East to try his luck with Kramer. Lawson and tho rest. Schepps is a speed merchant of no meun I ability, but whether he can compete successfully suc-cessfully with tho licet "native sons' remains re-mains to bo seen. The Australian rider is confident that ho has an even break iith them or ho would not have taken the long trip to the United States. Accompanying Schepps Is Orlando Ste-ons, Ste-ons, who is well known to the local racegoers. race-goers. Stevens rode at the Salt Paint a track for a time last season, but mt v.ith an accident that put him out of the game for several weeks. Stevens suffered a bad fall, which broke his collar bone. He is reported to be in "better shape than ecr this year and thinks ho will be oble to rido .among the winners. Two oars a0 Stevens ranked fourth among 'the riders of the United States and manv persons in the East believe he .has the snrlnt to beat Kramer and Lawson "A match race has been arranged by Manager Heagren for the opening meet f.n Decoration day. Norman Hopper. lat season's saucer star, will met George Collett. an Eastern crack, and from the way the men have been riding good lime Is expected Jlmmv Bowler, the Chicago speed merchant. mer-chant. Is expected here about June 5 poola that abound in the northern and northwestern parts of town, and the work of filllnc in- these pools aCIII be of great benetit in doing away with the pests that abound there. But It Is no joke for the fellows who have to do the work. Spectators who go down to inspect in-spect the work going on are at first to see a band of men with their heads all "bound up in red and other colored bandanna ban-danna handkerchiefs-, breaking off every now and then to fight some Invisible In-visible foe -with a burst of profanity that would knock all their chances of a future state. But presently the spectators spec-tators atart fanning the air at a foe that then seems by no means Invisible, Invis-ible, nnd by the time their vocabulary is exhausted and they are driven from the place almost frantic, they exclaim: "Next time I come to this hyphenated place I'll bring two guns nnd a Win-cheater." Win-cheater." Eight carloads of brick have been hauled to a place approximately near the olte for the new shops and roundhouse. round-house. The plans hnve not yet been completed, and no definite site haa yet been marked out. For tho present the work of filling in the marshes Is being pushed ahead, but it will take some months to complete it. Enterprising owner? of real estate In that vicinity are already preparing to benefit by their speculations and arc getting out plahf for cottages-. The Dc-seret Savings bank is the pioneer In this respect, and has a gang of men at work grading out. with teams on a site for some dwellings almost next door to the place where the roundhouse will probably be located. |