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Show ELKS WAKE PLANS TO CAPTURE PR0V0 At a meeting last night of the delegates dele-gates from Salt Lake City lodge No. 83, B. P. O. E.. to tho Elks' State association associa-tion convention to bo hold at Provo June 15 and 1C, It was voted to mako as fine an appearance as possible In the Elks' and fraternal parades In that city during dur-ing the reunion. Capt. I. M. Barrett was appointed a commltteo on uniforms. If possible, the fifty local delegates will wear the purple and white uniform which made such a hit during the grand lodso and reunion In this city in August, 1SW. Another division of the Salt l.nkc City column of Elks In the parades will bo composed of boys attired In tho regular Elk uniform, stiff hat, linen duster and cano or umbrella. It Is also suggested that somo of tho local lodgemen form a burlesque section. Tho delegation was organized by the olcctlon of James Devlne chairman and A. W. Raybould secretary. While In Provo United States Marshal B B. Hey-wood Hey-wood will bo marshal. He will be In command com-mand of the Salt Lake City Elks when thoy appear in parades. It waa decided to take a band of twenty-five pieces to Provo. The band will remain until the delegation returns home. It has not been decided whether the Salt Lako City bqys will go to Provo on a special train or go In a body on one of the early morning trains, Wednesday, June 15. The matter of transportation has boon left to the following committee, which was selected last evening: John Sharp, chairman; Exalted Ruler Parley P. Chrlatenscn and Judgo E. D. R. Thompson. Tho lodge has decided upon a badgeto bo worn on tho occasion. From a bar will be suspended a purple and white ribbon, rib-bon, also a celluloid map of Utah. It will bear five Btars. Indicating the location loca-tion of the five Stale lodges- The members of the executive committee commit-tee of the State association wltl go to Provo on the 8 o'clock train this morning morn-ing for the purposo of discussing fraternal frater-nal matters pertaining to tho convention with tho lodge In that city. Tho executive execu-tive commltteo consists of Parley P. Chrlstcnsen. Salt Lake City, chairman; G. H. Corse. Ogden; J. W. Gclser, Park Cltv; C. O Newell. Provo; Ed Pike, Eureka, Eu-reka, and A. W. Raybould, secretary of No. S5, secretary of tho association. While In Provo today the members of the executlvo committee will discuss tho proposed plan of chartering a special train to go to the grand lodgo and reunion re-union to bo held this summer In Cincinnati. |