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Show PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Champions Take One. SAN FRANCISCO. May 19. Tho champions cham-pions broke up tho lead of Oakland In today's to-day's gamo In tho eighth, when they lit onto Oscar Graham for a single, double nnd triple, which netted three runs. Uotli pitchers were rapped In a lively manner at Intervals. -The game was peaceful, Jcunncss having been relieved from umpiring um-piring and McDonald substituted. Scoro: R. H. E. T os Angeles 101 000 030 C 11 4 Oakland 00-) 210 000-3 10 0 Batteries Hall and Spies; Graham and Byrne. Dugdale Takes Charge. PORTLAND. Or.. May 19. David E. Dugdale, formerly manager of the Scat- tie Pacific National team, look contiol of tho Portland baseball club this afternoon, and with the change ln management camo an almost startling Improvement ln the playing of the team. San Francisco had no difficulty In hitting Butler, but the Holding of the Portlands was almost perfect per-fect and llginlng-llke In rapidity, and It was not until the eighth inning that San Francisco was able to work a man clear around the bases. Jonca gave seven hits, but thev were bunched San Francisco played "a fast and errorless game, and Portland's margin was so small that the Interest was pitched to the highest key until the lat San Francisco man had been struck in the ninth Inning. Score: R. H. E. Portland 200 (00 01 3 7 1 San Francisco 0u0 000 0011 11 0 Batteries Butler and Shea; Jones and Gorton.""Umplre O'Connell. Attendance, 300. |