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Show PERJUE-SURPRISE MINE GROUP RESUME WORK Special to The Tribune. RICHFIELD. May 19. Work has resumed re-sumed at the Pcrjuc-Surprisc group of promising prospects ln Ohio district, near Marysvalc This property continued operations op-erations last winter until forced down by the snow, and now avails Itself of tho first cj.portunltv to begin again. To begin this year's campaign the management man-agement has awarded Anthony Soyka. a ".00-foot contract. Already the ?roup has liad the benefit of MO feet of development work, and thin contract will run the total up to HCu feet. Tunnels and a winze are-on are-on tho ground to show for past achievements. achieve-ments. The main veins on the gTOup are three, onn trending cast and west and two of them, parallel, crosscuttlng the first mentioned. men-tioned. Tho cast and west ledge Is twenty-five feet wide. It shows low-grade oro In abundance. In the face of a 200-foot tunnel Contractor Soyka will continue to drive toward this lode, which he expects to tap within twenty feet. Then ho will drift on the vein about fifty feet to a point where It Is Intersected by the so-called so-called Wedge vfcfn, upon which a sensational sensa-tional strike of shipping oro was made last year. , L Tho north and south vein Is twenty foot wide. Six feet of It averages 55 in gold and 8llr and the balance from $2 to J2.W A 100-foot drift, crosscut and winze constitute consti-tute the 200 feet of work dono on this ledge. Bromido ore was found at tho inter?ec-tlon inter?ec-tlon of the last-named vein and tho main east and west r.one. Of six assays tho lowest was 5100 and the largest 2SO, gold, copper and silver. This was at the Junction Junc-tion and 1M feet from tho grass roots. This vcar there will be 200 feet of work done oh the Monument group, belonging to the Perjuc-Surprlse. Tho entire holdings hold-ings of tlie company aro two patented claims and ten unpatented, a dozen all told, 1 |