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Show mi Market 1 1 Wand Lifeless I leneror Activity Developed tho 1 Tone of the Market Beeamo I Soft. - I iTtf mC ,a" 10--Tho Bloclc I 'fti j-jirktt continued Inert and almost I 1 lifeless tod:iy. "Whenever any ac-fl ac-fl ll jjvlty dcvolopcd tho tone of the I'd becanio soft, showing the presence pre-sence of celling over buying orderu rtevcrj' narrow market "When prices 2 tti their clow downward tordency tho ' fell Jn, Prround dullness and : d, "Ji"s reflecting the unwlllinsrnesa MCr buyers to tnko stocks on an up-i up-i i '".cilc of prices. So argued tho traders, whoso operations wore dolt do-lt ' Vuio following tho movements of i fcrtr operators. Aa tho meager dealings - ' almost wholly mado up of the room !itn' transactions, they were drawing ' Lfttloos from their own operations. In ' ft ths trading offered no grounds for h'jf Inference of any kind besldo the a Zut lesson that there la no present con-. con-. ftfci tbat has any power to nrouso In- J tin ftocks. The trading started at !'- I ft 1 jffht gains duo to tho sympathetic n iprca of tho London murket, la which IS were reported to be In clreiila-tJSef clreiila-tJSef prospects for the coming of peace Iffit rfsuniptlo'n of selling of United Itta Sled preferred on the continuing j l of pessimistic reports from the i t-Unie was the first drag on the mar-' mar-' j But the heavy tone spread to other '" ttf-tdct The sub-treasury statement fi ' 'tferiiV sal"3 nt the expense of the V for the week of 511.200.fO0 promised f rser formidable Inroad upon tho sur-' sur-' ' 'tSa reserve of tho banks. th,o more so uUa fil.500,000 In gold coin exported to-i to-i Tir tits not figuro in tho statement. A i ,i.rrjt jiatcment by tho negotiator of the ; xivXcrk city subscription to the Japa-kn Japa-kn that the whole of tho 25.CO0.0CO .; :p-riptlon Is to be remitted to London i'trf to explain the forco of tho de-"i de-"i for money, but did not define Its kits. i Sulln? exchango showed a slightly litk'sg tendency, and thl9 was cald to led to sterling loan bills In tho market. jj jv Bank of England maintained its dln- '(tit rate, but tho open market rato In 'tfti receded and tho Bank o Franco 'ntoeafshowed tho growing plethora rrfrtsourccs of that Institution. The wca- J lie ns pronounced Ideal for crops, but !ii tsntradlctory strength in tho wheat 'rirkct neutralized tho effect of this. Tho 9 reduction In New York Central's i ;2t wrings for the quarter emphasized 1 effect of unfavorable returns by other' 'mttau and a disposition to dispute over i '2! rcalnlenaaco of rates on business dl- ,m!fJ to tho railroads by tho Interrup-W Interrup-W . XfA of lake transportation by the strike, i ;ra rearicd as a symptom of tho grow- r prcsmro to securo traffic and at-v at-v .wttea was attracted by the reports of il telle retrenchment projected by tho m nlrcids to cut down expense accounts. 5 '. Xtilre late In the day of un offer for fj ifitarlption next week to a 5Tto.000.000 Cu-K Cu-K a bond Ijup Is another factor prom-Jl prom-Jl !jKir tJ prolonc: the demand for gold lor u But this did not prevent prices p 'fcsa, retracing thoir previous courso In ;j ircfilhy with a rally In United States u &el rrefcrred, leaving the day's net F 'HiSti again wholly lnslgnlflcanL t BtTAs vrcro dull and rather heavy, with 4 lte recoveries. Total sales, par R ;(zt J1.1C5.0X! T'nlted States bonds were p ;:dnn?ed on call. 4 ' NKAV YORK BOND LIST. )& ;CS. r. & rcg .1014. L &, N. u. 4a...mVi 5? YiWpon 101 Jinn. c. g. -Is. ..103 Fj M.S. 2t iiz . .105 Mex Cen. -is.... Jl couron . 10'Ai 1st inc. 13 U T. S. n. i3 reg. 132' & St. U 48 00 F. mm . . 1321 M.. 1C. & T. 4s..l0'3 If. E. o. is reg .10Gi 2nds Y- R! cocpon . . ..1001, Mex. N. c, -Is.. ItciUon g. .100 N. Y. C. g. 3As.. ( I ' iJu -Is OIMj N. J. C. g. 53....132it U 4 A.C.L. s. .. Wa; N pnc 4a mi? V U-0, 4s.. .. 101 2s 724i N. .t AV c 43.... 9S4 i Cjt of Ga. 5s lOCVi O. S. L. 4s & p. f'S Mine. . .73 Pcnn. c. ft&3....M!!i J f 0. 4U3 .. 103'. Reading g. Is.. DSVi I i in3 - 7S,4 st- L. & I. Mt. r s91 con. n3 m I A JL & St P SL L. S'w'n Ists fM 'rSl S. A. L. 43 70$ tfc .Wn c. 73.12) s Pac -Is 91 1 & f- t P. 4s 15 So. Ry. Ge HC m 79Vr T. cfc P. lsts....ll8V. LC, C. & St. T.. St L. & W. 1 r S5 T -H- U. Pac. 4s 101& r ,CCP i3 m conv. 4& 94 I tn',?'; -81 Wnbash lsts ...114 ft I rtnr,,,len 43 deb. B 671 E- V 48. 107 9 CLOSING STOCK LIST. I s AaiS?"- 100 a aw 1 ;:: :::: :::: :::: Sfe &SSt':: 6"' " 139 !?tL:::: ;i rSrrcd; ;;;; U M0 154U 353 3534 & P. G.. 200 19fe ,9 v 7,0 22 22 igS::: 1' gf a:.:::: 5S- Jii & rryedS0 39"i 10i Uanarh- i1'0 Wl ' 106V4 tBtyL"" 3 PftBBM "5,0 02' fii grPfd . S? trc?1,"" 200 r'5 KV4 6S1.6 "ittL-19' 1,3 li2 lorred.-: ffS fbr.dCo.. 4.WK) ioj soil 4 3 v. ;,p 41 Kd "lW 3jU 2lU g lr7cd AV - Uj0 SOVl 19?L 20!4 a . it': 'go ai" 24 S 4 cXm;" vs w(S mis d'5"'- !S ?l Su -r- ---r-- 4.4.4 SILVER. t Jew York KV5o San Francisco 551 1 Lonn s 0.16d , LEAD. New York oxchange ,..tl.tj4.G3 -f COPPER. 4. Now York exchange.. $12.C2i,iri2.S7 -f Win Cen , lgi. preferred 166 sjvj s&U so"4 Max. Central .... COO 7U 7 7 EXpresa. Comjianles Adams ,R American -Ten United States woiiB-Fargo .:; o Miscellaneous Amalg Copper... 12,lf0 49 4S 43 ASar & P..- 100 3Ci ICS 30(2 preferred pn'- Am Cotton Oil ' ' nt, preferred " 55 n Amor Ico COO 'vi 'g pro for red 100 2G?i 2C0i 26ii Amer Lin Oil . Kit preferred ico 2S 2S' 23 Amor Loco , ' 571 preferred jno Rl si" 81 Amer S & R 100 49M 494 49 preferred too M'-i 03 95 Amer S K 10.S0O 32C 12H'S 120 Ana iln Co 100 7fi 7fi 75 Brok Rap T C.80O 4u'A 44; 4n-i Colo V & 1 C00 2SV. 2S' 27 CohS Gau 3, CCO 209 207li 2-D811 Corn Products 31 preferred cc DIst Secur 20V- Gon Electric .... 40) 35i; 35414 3D4 Jnt Paper , 3014 preferred ICO G5tt Co' Int Pump 37 preferred 70 Nat Lend SCO l&U 1S34 19 North Amer..,.. '.. St Pacific Mail ...r 300 2-". 25 25 Peoplo's Gas .... 700 95 91 95 Pressed S C. 2IH proforrcd ji , Pullman PC 210' Rop Steel , preferred ...... 1.6CO S7l 371b 37?i Rubbers Goods lly, preferred 300 77 77 7GV Tenn C & 1 2,100 33- 32 32 U S Leather preferred 100 79 79 73i U S Realty 2,700 7Vi 7 7 proferred 4.7CO H: S9 Ct U S Rubber 3,100 3G Wx 1G preferred 209 CGU 0(7 CGS-i U S Steel 2.C00 9Mi Si 9 preferred 38,100 P2Vi 51:4 Westing Elec, 355 West Union .... 700 S( S5 So?i Total sales for tho day, 1S3(300 shares, Silver and Drafts. NEW YORK, May 39. Bar silver, 55V&0. Mexican dollars, 44c. SAN FRANCISCO, May 19.-Silvcr bars, Drafts, sight 5c; telegraph, 74c. Money and Exchange NEW YORK, May 39. Close: Money on call uasy at l-iffi2 per cent; closing bid li offered 2 per cent; time loans firm; 60 and DO days, 3 per cent; bIx months. 4 per cent Prime -mercantile paper, 3a;ti4,l per cont Sterling exchango easier, with actual business bus-iness in bankers' blllB at $4.&5,SO for demand de-mand and at J4.SJ.901M SI.95 for C3-day bills; posted rates. M.&5Vjfi4.S6 and f4.87gi 4.SS; commercial bills, ?L$17i. New York Metals. NEW YORK, May 19. There was a slight reaction today In tho London tin market, which closed &s lower on spot, at 125 15s. and 7s Cd lower. Ut 124 lto, for futures. Locally, tin was Jiulet, with spot auotcd at S27.&2S.1C. Copper declined 7s 6d, to M 153, for both spot and futureH, In the London market, ami was a llttlo easier In tho local market, whero lako was quoted at ?13.0)13,12i.: elcctroIyUc, $13.0f3'13.12; casting, $12.624 Lead was stcadv and unchanged, at J4.C0 fi'4,f5 In New York, but declined 2s Gd, to 11 33s Gd, In London Spoiler remains easy and unchanged In the-local market, with 'spot quoted at J5.15 tfju.CO. In London there was u decline of 2s Gd, with closing quotations at 22. Iron closed at 52a In Glasgow and at -13s 7'l In MIddlcsboro. Locally, tho market is'easy. Pig Iron warrants are weaJc, with sellers au $y.25. No. 1 foundry Norfbprn Ih quoted at SlS.OOtns L0; No. 2 foundry Northern, 111.5015.00; No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 roundry Southern soft, ?13.Wg13.75. t Live Stock. CHICAGO. CHICAGO, May 19. Cattle Receipts, 3500: market Bteady to ofHOc higher; good to prime steers. J5.25ft5.70; poor to medium, $4.23g6,20; stockers and feeders, $3 254.00; cows, $1.752.75; holfcrs, J2.405i4.S5: can-ncrs, can-ncrs, 1.75Ti2.75; bulls. 52.25?H25, calves, 52.EOgG.50; Texas fed stcore. $4.00-1.0). Hogs Receipts today, 21.000; tomorrow. 15,000; market MJ-lOc lower; mixed and butchers', $4.E&ff-1.82,,4: good to cholco heaT. J4.75.87A, rough heavy, J-i.G0.TT4.75; light, $4 OOa-t.75; bulk of sales, J4.70J?1.S0. Sheep Receipts. 10.000; market steady to 30c higher; lambs, steady to 10c higher, good to choice wethers, jl.7rff5.E0:t fair to choice mixed. &4.7Mr4.85; Western sheep. $-l.BO74.rri; clipped native lambs, J-tCOJjC 16. clipped Western lambs, J5.0O7K.20, wobled Western lambs, Jo.KVti-TUG; spring lambs, I5.0OfiS.0O. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY, May 19,-Cattlc Receipts, Re-ceipts, 4000. steady; natlvo steers, J4.00J? 5.25; natlvo cows and heifers, $2.00z4.SS: stockere and feeders. $S.2S!fr4.C0: bulls, J2.E0 C.S0; calves. J2.50SG.25, Western steers. 5I.00i?l,M; Western cows, J2.C0Jti.25. Hogs Receipts, 30,000, weak to 5c lower: bulk of salca. $4 355M.75; heavy. J-I.7O3-1.S0: packers, $4.(fM.75: pigs and lights, $4,008' 4. CO. Sheep Receipts, 3000, Bteady; muttons, mut-tons, J1.50S6.25; lamb3, Jo.OCrftG.Tn; range wethers, J1.75Q5.25, owes, J3.Wff5.00. OMAHA- SOUTH OMAHA. May 39. Cattle-Rc-cipts. 2300; mnrkct steady; natlvo steeiH. J3S0SS.20; cows and helfera, J3.25gl.40; canners. Jl.CoJo; stockcrs and feeders, S2.Kff4.30; calves, JlX0g5.25; bulls, stags, etc. J2.75ff4.00. Hogs Receipts. 35.W.K); market 5c lower; heavy. J4.50lT-l.G0. mixed, J4.I5ff4 50; light, J4.105T-1.GO.; nlgH. J4.OOW.40; bulk of sales, J4.45ft4.00. Shoej) Receipts, 2500; mnrkct steady. Western yearlings, M75-GG.25; wethers, J4, 603.25, ewea. J4.CW5' 4.85; common and stockcrc, J3.COJM.90; lambs, $S.75?G.73 London "Wool Auctions. LONDON. May 39. Tho third serlos of wool auction sales closed today. The offerings of-ferings numbered 9100. There was a good attendance and the demand was brisk, owing t American competition for merinos. me-rinos. When the series opened merinos were practically niichangc-d, but prices gradually rose and they closed 5 per cent higher than tho March cerlcs. Tho advance- was most pronounced in lino scoured and grcaslea. In heavy grcaBlefl tho improvement was less general. Fino crossbrcds ruled 4 per cent higher when tho series opened. Medium crcssbreds, although al-though In demand, were not appreciably dearer. Courso advanced D pur cont nt the outset shabby-coated purcols being In keen demand. Later the better gradea showed nn advance of 7& per cont nbovo tho March uales. Sllpen were 57', per cent higher: Cape of Good Hope and Natal Na-tal snow whites and fair grcaslcs Improved 2Vt0C per cent. Heavy und wasting grcaslcs were neglected and difficult to sell at 5 per. cont decline until the close. Competition strengthened nnd they closed unchanged. Punta Arenas and Falkland Islands opened unchanged and closed unchanged un-changed to 5 per cont higher. Americans operated freely, and tho competition for Geelong grcaslcs and good medium cros3- brcds was a feature of tho sulcs. |