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Show AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance levying the tax lor the Assessment Assess-ment of property In Sidewalk Paving District No. 7, for the purpose of paving the cost of constructing Cement Sidewalks in said District. Dis-trict. Be itordained by the City Council of Mount Pleasaut. Utah, as follows: Secton 1. That a special tax be and the same Is hereby levied and directed to be assessed as-sessed for the purpose of paying the cost of a cement sidewalk four feet wide (except two olncks on the Ea -t s.de of State Strett, bvteen Main and 2nd North Streets, where said ce-nientsidwalk ce-nientsidwalk Is live feet wide) in sidewalk Paving District No. 7, as established in Mount Pleasant, Utah. Section 2. That the total cost of said improvement, im-provement, including driveways, concrete Humes, and vitrified pipe H times.' and the total r mount ot the tax hereby levied Is the sum of SI t4 .22 which is not more than the contract price tlier. of. and that the cost of said Improvement Im-provement pr unit of measurement hereby decided upon Is as follows: For Cement Sidewalk four inches thick per linear I-ot. tiity-t o and ceDts for five foot walk and tory-two cent tor four foot walk. For drivt ways per linear foot 84 1-6 cents for 5 It. walk and 7 lift? for 4 ft walk. For Concrete Flumes per cubic yard ten dot lars and eiirhty ceuts. For vitrified pipe flumes per linear foot 8 In. 39c. 10 in. 60c. 12 In. 60c. Section 3. That the real property contained within said paving district, and upon which the said sperial tax is hereby levied to be assessed as-sessed is ites.-ridfd as fallows: liegmnlng at the North West corner of Lot 2. Block 48. Plat 'A." Mount Pleasant Town-site Town-site Kntry. Sanpete County. I'tah. thi-nce running run-ning Sou i li to the Sou tii West coi ner of Lot 3. itioi'k 75. thence East 13 rods, thence North to l tie Nor ih K;ist corner of Lot. 2. Block 48, thence Vest l.t rods to place of belnnlm:; Also beginning at the South West corner of Block 3 thence running North to tin- Not tn ', W.t uorni-r ot Lot 2. Block 10. thence East 1:, ri-ds. thence Sooth to the South line of Block SO, thcncfi West 13 rods to place of beginning; all In Plat "A." Mount Pleasant Townsile En'.ry. Sanpete County. Uth. Section 4. Thar said special tax shall be as-sof-sed upon said real estate as follows: The co.st Of sidd CL'tueni sidewalk and drive-Ways drive-Ways according to lite linear iout frontage tibm ling on said sidewalks and driveways. The eos' o( said cnnrri'te Humes nud viti i-lied i-lied pipe tiiiines shall be us-e-sid upon the properly In front of and (or tha bent-tit of which i ue same was constructed. a- shown by i tie pin us oi i he City Entrlnc'er. S c ion 5 'i hat n is ht reiiy d -i er mined a in; drrl leu tliat the benefit uf said Improve t en; to the property as.iedn"' is equal to the full 'inii.iiriL of lIju cst thcreot and of me tux heie-lv heie-lv levied. Section tj. That said lax shall become delinquent de-linquent in ten equal Ihm allim-nt us follows, to-wit: one lentn of the loial amouiii -.hall be delinquent in forty das after l f i is lev one leuih in one year one t nth in tw yenr-ontt yenr-ontt lentil In ttiree, yciiis. one tenth In luur t-m, one vein h in tls n ew. one 1 nt h tti hlx jctirs, cue tyolU lu bf.'fcu years-, otic tenth in eight years, and one tenth In nine years. Each )f said installments, except the ttr-t, shall draw Interest at the ra.te of seven per cent per annum from the time of levy aforesaid until i he same shall become delinquent, and after aame shall become delinquent Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum shfill be paid t hereon. One or more of said Installments or the whole tax may be paid at any time any installment in-stallment becomes due and payable, by paying the amount thereof with interest to the dace of payment. Section 7. That the City Trersurer Is hereby directed and aui hotrired to assess and collect the faid special tax according to ltw. section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force on ind after th 8th day of No-vemoer. No-vemoer. A. D. IHI'2. - Passed by the city' Council on the 6th day November, A. D. 1912. JAMES W. ANDERSON, Attest: . Mayor. DANIEL RASMU8SEN, City Recorder. . tate of Utah, ) County of Sanpete, : Mount Pleasant City. J I, ' Daniel Rasmussen, City Recorder of Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full, true, and correct copy of an original ordl nance entitled "An Ordinance levying a tax for the Assessment Assess-ment of property in Sidewalk District No. 7, for the purpose of paying ' the cost of constructing con-structing Cemeut Sidewalks' in said- District,' passed on the 6th day or November, A. D. 1912. as the same appears of -record and on file In my ottlce f - .j Witness my hand and the seal of Sealv said city t.is (ith day of Novem-1 Novem-1 h- ' ber, A. D. 1912. . DANI.KLRaSMUSSEN, City Recorder. |