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Show Delinquent Notice. The Gooseberry A Cotionwoo'i Irrlgutlon f'utn-puiiy, f'utn-puiiy, lot-Hi on i-f prlnci .ml plut-u of bu-.l ness. Kairview, Suiipeio ('uumy. l.'tuh. NOTICE There Hre delinquent upon the following described uek, .m necouni of hs-sessmeui hs-sessmeui levied uu the 2-ltn day of Auim, the several umouiiis sei t p,siie ill? names of the respective shareholders as 1 A-lows: A-lows: Name No. of No. of Amt Ceriitioute Siiures Hyrum DeFries 14 4 3 1 00 Huns MhcUoq 4.i iu.8u rfohn HriKKS 136 2 .-5 ! Lurenzo iVteron 67 1G.75 A. K. Lmwou -hi m tJ V. H. Hiuisen 11G 10il ;. Jo Heber Olsi-n Wti I -i.ikJ s Bvron K. Tucker 172 3S y.ro f 1'hilip Odteusun -i) 7 ju And In accordance wlih law an ordpr of the U: aid of directors made on the Mth day (-1 ; August, 191-', so many shares ut each pan el oi such -iUck a.s uiay be necessary, will be sold lit the City Hull In Fttlrview, Sanpete enmity. I; i au, tu the llth day of NovemDer, A. D. IUI2. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., ti pay delinquent delin-quent assessments thereon, together- with the cost of advertising aud expenses ul the sale. LeKOY KIGUY. Secretary; Location rf office, Fair view, Sanpete County. Utah. |