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Show Fresh Fish at Quality Market. Get your winter hat while they last. All hats going at half price. Progoess Millinery. Advertisement The Consolidated Furniture Co., will sell Iron Beds at actual cost, during the remaining part of this month. Advertisement. ' SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Of STATIONERY t j Elegant Steel Die Embossed Initial Stationery. j One of the most popular numbers fcr people who are particular par-ticular about their social correspond ance. Each sheet is steel die stamped in blue on upper left ' i hand corner, with a beautiful, lone, narrow initial I ! The Craftsman's Art , I This is one of the most beautiful numbers we ever handled. Each sheet is steel die stamped in gold and burnished in upper left hand corner. The envelope is the j new diamond style. When You Buy Stationery From Us You Save Money A. D. SUTTON DRUG CO. I THE REXALL STORE Prescriptions filial Day or Night - "Where Quality Prevails" - Kt. Pleasant, L'tah Lm.-.--- - I QUALITY MARKET 1 Nij We carry that good merchandise. In this store you M W will always find everything you would expect to find in Wl a similar store and many things more. to We Specialize on Merchandise a of Genuine Merit j ij Prompt Delivery Courteous Treatment Strict jg Attention to Details, and Correct Prices. jj I WE SOLICIT YOUR ORDERS f 1 QUALITY MARKET I |