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Show "PROUD AND GLAD" Because Mother Looked So Well After Quitting Coffee. An Ohio woman was almost distracted dis-tracted with coffee dyspepsia and heart trouble. Like thousands of others, the drug caffeine in coffee was slowly but Bteadlly undermining her nervous system and Interfering with natural digestion of food. (Tea is Just as in-jurious in-jurious as coffee because it contains caffeine, the poisonous drug found in coffee.) "For 30 years," she writes, "I have used coffee. Have always been sickly sick-ly had heart trouble and dyspej ia with ulcers in stomach and mouth eo bad, sometimes, I was almoBt distracted dis-tracted and could hardly eat a thing for a week. "I could not sleep for nervousness, ;-. and when I would lie down at night I'd belch up coffee and my heart would trouble me. It was like poison to me. I was thin only weighed 125 lbs., when I quit coffee and began to use Postum. "From the first day that belching and burning In my stomach stopped. I could sleep as soundly as anyone and, after the first month, whenever I met any friends they would ask me what was making me so fleshy and looking so well. "Sometimes, before I could answer quick enough, one of the children or V my husband would say, 'Why, that Is what Postum Is doing for her' they were all so proud and glad. "When I recommend It to anyone I always tell them to follow directions direc-tions In making Postum, as It Is not good to taste If weak, but fine when it haB the flavor and rich brown color." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read the little book, "Tho Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a rea-I rea-I Bon." '. Kwr rn! 1he nlmvr l-(torf A imitt one npprnrn from time to time. Thy lire Ki-nnlne, true, nod full of Luuioa In ivrrmt. A d T. |