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Show Notice of Special Tax Levy. Notice is hereby given that tlie assessment of the special taxes levied by the City Council uf Mount Pleasant, Utah, by two ordinances passed and approved on ihe6thd'.iv of November, Novem-ber, A. D 1912, upon the property embrace'.' within Sidewalk Paving Districts Nos. 6 and 7. has been completed, and the City Treasurer of Mount Pleasant, Utih. has Hied In the office of the Citv Keco'der oi said city, the assessment lists and plats for said special taxes heretofore levied In said Sidewalk Paving Districts Nos. 6 and 7; and that the City Council of Mount Pleasant, Utah, will meet as a board ot Equalization Equal-ization and Review at Citv Hall In Moun. Pleasant. Utah, on the 19th. 20th, 21st. 22nd and 2iird davs of November, A. D. 1912, between the hours of 5:00 and 6:00 o'clock p. m. of each day, during which times said lists and plats shall ue open to public Inspection, and any person feeling aggrieved shall have a hearing, and the said City Council shall make such coiroctlons ot" any tax as may be deemed just by said City Council. Hy irder of the City Council of Mount Pleasant, Pleas-ant, Utah, November 6, 1912. DANIEL RASMCSSEN. City Recorder. |