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Show Wasatch Foot Ball Team Defeats Price Academy The Academy foot ball team left Mt. Pleasant last Thurslay afternoon, after-noon, November 1st, enroute for Price where they played two games, Friday with the Price Academy and Saturday with the Price H'gh School. Fifteen men made the trip; Henry, Bradley, Airmet, Peacock, S. Webb, Norman, Drage, Hurst, Anderton, Hunter, Jensen, C. Webb, murdock, coach Wyatt and Prof. Wood. The first game against the Price Academy was easy for the Mount Pleasant boys although the Price team was greatly strengthened by the addition of Ward, a heavy half back, formerly of Granite High and Frye, a 185 lb. guard whom little 140 lb Airmet played to a standstill. Wasatch did her scoring in the first quarter. Webb went through the Price line between tackel and end and then ran 70 yards for the first touch down. A few minutes later Peacock ran 40 yds from h's tackle position and placed the ball j on the 5 yd. line. Jensen then bucked the line for the second touch down. For the remainder of the game the Wasatch boys were content to hold the score where it was 12 to 0 and played a kicking game . Twice Ballinger returned Airmet's punts but each time Airmet caught the return and ran the ball down to the 16 yd. line. Peacock was the most consistent ground gainer for the Academy w'th Spencer Webb occasionally oc-casionally he'oinK him out. The Wasatch Was-atch line wa.i like a stone wall and absolutely refused to let tne Price back field make any impression upon it. The Carbon County High School turned out in a body at this game and occasionally cheered the Wasatch Was-atch team. The treatment accorded Wasatch team by the High School Faculty and Btudents was of the highest order throughout the entire stay although as much cannot be said for the Price Academy people. Line up for first game Price Wasatch Lloyd left end Hurst Fransen left tackle S.Webb Fyre left guard Henry Thomas Center Bradley R, Fransen right guard Airmet Waid right tackel Peacock i Robinett right end Anderton 1 Ballinger quarter back Hunter ! Jackson(C) left half back Jensen(C) : Ward right half back C.Webb H. Thomas full back Murdock I Touch downs, C Webb and Jensen i Refree, Wyatt, Umpire Tingley. Head linesman, Wooley. The second game was played against great odds by the Wasatch team which was tired and bruised from the game the previous day. " Although out weighed 10 lbs to the man they had the score 0-0 at the end of the first quarter. Early in the second quarter Hurst and Hunter Hun-ter both tackled Claude Empy at the same time and Hurst was hurt so that it was thought best to remove re-move him from the game. On the next play Norman was hurt and Capt. Jensen had his knee wrenched. Both men gamely kept on playing but their injury slowed the team up considerably. Price, was using a double pass that puzzled the visiting for quite a while and early in the second quarter after the injury to Jensen half back Empy gjl low for a 40 yd. run and touch down. The tide then turned and Wasatch marched the bill down the iieM Airmet putting it on the 10yd. liaj just as the whistle blew. In the third quarter Wasatch came back strong and by takin advantage of some fumbling by Price secured the ball on the 20 yd. line. Jensen tore through tackle for a first down. Murdock tried the line but failed. Then Hunter called the siernal for a new tandem play just learned two days before. 1 1 worked, and on the second play Jensen shot across the line for a touch down. The referee however declared Wasatch off side and penalized pen-alized her 5 yd placing the ball on the7yd. line. Hunter aiain called for the tandem and C. Webb went across for the touch down that tied the score, The Mt. Pleasant boys tired rapidly rap-idly after this but fought gamely and used their heads well. Four times Hunter alone stood between a Price man and the goal line but each time he tickled accurately and saved the day. Three times Bradlry broke throu gh the heavy Price line and blocked Whitmore's kicks Time after time after Price had worked the ball down into Wasatch territoiy Henry or S. Webb would fall on a fumbled ball and give Airmet a chance to save his team by punting. The work of the Orange and Black team could hardly have been surpassed sur-passed on tackling and blocking kicks while the Price back field was well coached and fast and their interference good. The only thins that marred their work was their frequent fumbling. LINEUP OF SECOND GAME High School Wasatch Claude Empy L end Hurst, Norman M. Pace L tackle Norman, S. Webb Bryner left guard Henry Nielson Center Bradley N. Pace right guard Airmet Genotti right tackle Peacock Ward right end Anderton Whitmore quarter hack Hunter Carl Empy left half Jenwn Faussett right half C. Webb Horsley full back Murdock Touch downs, Carl Empy and C. Webb. Referee, Mangham, Umpire Wyatt. Headlinesman Wooley. The Carbon County Hiyh School team will play here in Mt. Pleasant Friday afternoon Nov. 15th at the City Park. Since the game at Price resulted in a tie score a hard battle is expected by the Wasatch people and the con- test should arouse much inttrest. |