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Show ' Miss Lizzie Walker went to Spanish Span-ish Fork Sunday to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. George Ryland came ovtr from Price Sunday to visit with relatives rel-atives and friends in this city. Miss Mae Carlston was given a shower one night last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hyrum Fech-ser. Fech-ser. Refreshments were served and a pleasant evening enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brandon entertained en-tertained at an elaborate dinner party par-ty last Thursday evening in honor of the concrete contractors, E. L. Johnson John-son and J. L. Stewart of Provo, who have now completed their work of laying the sidewalks in this city. A number of relatives and friends of Mrs. Hyrum Fechser came down from Fairview and enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon on October 24th, in honor of Mrs. Fechser's 25th birthday. birth-day. An excellent dinner was served serv-ed and the guests enjoyed an unusually unusu-ally pleasant social affair. Those present were: Mrs. Alberta Brady, Mrs. Lottie Christensen, Mrs. Sidney Sanderson, Mrs. Andrew Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Sanderson and Miss Lailia Sanderson. There is a Photographer in Mt. Pleasant. He does fine work at reasonable prices. You want nice pictures to please your friends. He wants to make them for you; or will tune your piano or organ. He guarantees guar-antees satisfaction. He is your "Home Man", F. Christensen, Wasatch Was-atch Block. Adv. |