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Show BABY'S HAPPINESS j DEPENDS ON HEALTH When your baby is cross and fret tul instead of the happy, laughing little lit-tle dear you are accustomed to, in all probability the digestion has become ! disarranged and the bowels need at-j at-j tention. Give it a mild laxative, dis-j dis-j pel the Irritability, and bring back the happy content of babyhood. " The mother should make sure that the laxative used contains, no opiate or narcotic drug. A mild, pleasant-tasting, pleasant-tasting, harmless laxative like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is ideal for -1 children because of Its natural com-; com-; position and gentle action. A small ; dose of Syrup Pepsin at bedtime will j bring easy, certain relief next morn- ing, and with no distressful griping or ether discomfort. You can get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at any drug , store. Y'our name and address on a postal to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 West St., Monticello, 111., will bring a frea trial bottle by return mail. Adv. |