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Show Mr. and Mrs. R. Whittaker were host and hostess at an informal dinner din-ner at their home Monday afternoon and evening. The affair was in honor hon-or of the latter's Lirthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Waldemar, Hilda Madsen, Neva Waldemar, Mrs. E. C. Johnson, Viola Vio-la Whittaker and the host and iios-tess. iios-tess. Miss Ailene Whittaker entertained the girls of the B. A. c ub at her home Wednesday afternoon. Sewing Sew-ing and an elaborate luncheon was enjoyed. Those present were Misses Jane Martin, Lucy Lovell, Beatrice Neilson, Alta Jensen, Josephine Horning, Hor-ning, Gertrude Boyer, Bernice Bradley, Brad-ley, Drusilla Meyrick, Ella Clemen-sen, Clemen-sen, Olive Matthews and the hostess. The B. A. club of the Wasatch Academy entertained at an initiation party at the Academy building Friday Fri-day evening. Three new members were initiated. The rooms were tastily decorated in their colors red and white. A chafing dish luncheon was served. The Wasatch Academy Home entertained en-tertained at an elaborate dinner in their spacious dining room Saturday evening in honor of their football boys. The visiting team from Price were special gu?sts. The decorations were in orange and black. A delightful delight-ful time is reported. About forty persons were present. The choir party at the Armory Saturday evening was an unusually pleasant affair.' Practice was held from 7:30 to 8:30 with about forty members present. Games were then played until the arrival of the orchestra orches-tra at 9 o'clock when dancing was begun and continued until 11:30. Grapes, punch and cake were served and an all round enjoyable evening spent. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Nielsen entertained enter-tained at their home Sunday at a five o'clock dinner. Covers were 1 aid for twelve. |