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Show j Moroni Mr. and Mrs! Joseph Barns of Illinois Illi-nois are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. B. C. Linebaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hansen of Ephraim were guests of Laura Bradley Brad-ley the latter part of the week. A farewell party was given Elder Edgar Blackham and Ezra Neilsen, Sunday evening at the tabernacle. An enjoyable program was carried out. The same evening the Commercial Commer-cial club gave, a social in honor of the missionaries. Elder Blackham left Monday for the Northern States and Elder Neilson leaves the latter part of the week for Norway. Miss J. Basom of Ephraim came up Saturday. Born, to Mrs. Carrie Zabriskie, a boy, Oct. 29, 1912. Last week Mabel Draper and Dora Blackham went to Nevada where they have secured employment. Dr. Bird of Manti spent last week at Moroni doing dental work. The family of M. C. Draper returned re-turned home from Nevada after spending three months there. The students of the Moroni High School enjoyed themselvesvery much Hallowe'en night at the Opera Houst Tti- evening was spent by playing gamtt music and dancing. Refreshments Refresh-ments jvere furnished by the ladies Mrs. M'rlenus Larsen entertainer a number o"f her friends Monday ir honor of her thirty-eighth birthday |