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Show j Cough, Cold j ! SoreThroat j ; Sloan's Liniment gives $ i quick relief for cough, cold, J s hoarseness, sore throat, I ! croup, asthma, hay fever ; j and bronchitis. f I HERE'S PROOF. 5 ;j Ma. Albert 'W.Price, of Fredonia, ; Kaii., writes : " Wo use Moan's Linl- & : ment in tbe family and tind it an ex- i cellent relief for colds and hay fever i attacks. It stops coughing and sneex- f, j ing almost instantly!'' t SLOAN'S I LINIMEMT I RELIEVED SORE THROAT. q Mrs. L. Brewer, of Modello.Fla., g 'writes: ' I bought one bottle of your 5 i Linlinont and itdidmeall the good in ? Sj the world. My throat waa very sore, i and it cured me of my trouble." i I GOOD FOR COLD AND CROUP. ? 5 Mr. W. H. Strang Et 3721 Elm wood Avenue, Chicago, 111., writes: "A lit- 1 I tie boy next iloor had croup. 1 gave i the mother Sloan's Liniment to try. J t She gave him three drops on sugar ? J bo fore going to bod, and ho gt up g without the croup lu tho morning." j Price, 25c, 5BOm9$3.GO ' -Ssn. Sloan's I 1 JSVVK Treatise 5 1 wWM onthe 1 i Horse 3 i Z&tjjy sent free. I Addrcs The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE ytf LIVER PILLS. .i:i'f Purely vegetable A' '. frAli - act surely and nTCD'Q gently on the X ,Vti v AK I LKo liver. Cure A;ZKX& WITTLE Biliousness, j&VWy M IVER Head- At wl tj PILLS, ache, pgr Y Dizzi- ' p?' i ness, and Indifrestion. They do their duty. SMALL PlIX, SMALL DOSE, SMALL l'RICli, Genuine must bear Signature g"D Couirh Hyrup. Tuln Uood. Ih' ln a. Hold hT Orutrcl.ti. El |