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Show Close skimming means more skim-milk skim-milk left on the place. A bit more feed now that the pastures pas-tures are getting shorter. Is your bull gentle? Then get a ring in his nose before night. Draining butter well before salting will help its keeping qualities. Better a nose ring for the young bull than an accident afterward. A brush to wash dairy utensils is more sanitary than the time honored rag. A solid concrete base for the separator sepa-rator will lengthen the life of the machine. ma-chine. It pays in more ways than one to be friendly with the young dairy stock. Cooler weather and fewer flies will make milking a pleasanter chore from now on. One mess of milk spoiled for lack of proper cooling will pay for a good aerator. The big secret in keeping butter is to have it good to begin with, then keep it cold. For a cheap but effective milk strainer nothing beats several thick-nesse thick-nesse of cheesecloth. x Let the cream can have the coolest place In the cellar if a tank of cold water is not available. Dairying goes by spurts, but don't you spurt. Keep a steady hand on the spurting apparatus. Milk checks don't happen: they come from good feed, good care and good treatment generally. A few armsful of green forage cut and thrown into the barnyard will make up for Bhort pastures now. The less time lost between milking and separating, the better for the quality of both cream and Ekimmllk. Proper rearing and Judicious management man-agement will result In few bulls becoming be-coming vicious after they have grown old. |