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Show PYRAMID PRINTS EVERYTHING. '.for the Hair Are you so fortunate as to be well satisfied with your hair? Is it long enough, thick enough, rich enough ? And your liair does not tail out? Well,well,thatisgood. liut you may know ot some not so fortunate. Then just tell them about Ayer's Hair Vigor. They will surely thank you after using it, if not before. be-fore. Remember, it does not color the hair. Show the list of ingredients to your doctor. Let him decide X their value. He knows, by file J. O. ATEH C. Lomll, Mas,. PYRAMID PRINTS EVERYTHING. Constipation, if Neglected, Causes Serious Illness Constipation, if neglected, leads to almost innumerable complications complica-tions affecting the general health. tMany cases of . typhoid fever, appendicitis and other severe diseases dis-eases are traceable trace-able to prolonged clogging of the bowels. Regard-t Regard-t h e effects o f constipation, C . E. Ayers, 6 Sabin St., Montpelier, Vt., says: "I was afflicted with constipation and biliousness for years, and at times became so bad I -would become unconscious. I have been found in that condition many times. Phyilclans did not seem to be able to do me any good. I would become ma.lt and tor days at a time could do no work. Not lonj ago I got a box of Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets, and after using them found I had never tried anything that acted in sucn a mild and effective manner. I believe I have at last found the remedy that suits my case." Thousands of people are sufferers from habitual constipation and while possibly realizing something of the danger of this condition, yet neglect too long to employ proper curative measures until serious ill- ne5s OI'n results. The advice of f all physicians is, "keep your bowels i clean," and it's good advice. v Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are old by all druggists, at 25 cents a box containing 25 doses. If not found satisfactory, your money is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 7 Advertisement. LOOKS WELL if we do the laundrying. We make a specialty of this class of work and have few equals in the Excellent Finish which we put on shirts, collars and cuffs for dress wear, and you know i this is one of the main points in a well-dressfd man. Don't take our j word for'it, just try us once. Troy Laundry Mt. Pleasant - - Utah PYRAMID PRINTS EVERYTHING. IF YOU HEED GLASSES Why Not Wear the Good-Looking-, Comfortable Kind? Fits-U Eye Glasses point the way to good eyesight without the annoyance or discomfort dis-comfort of ordinary glasses. We.should like to explain the FITS-U advantages to you personally. per-sonally. Dr. E. G. MILLS, Optometrist k Dgparlmgiit 1 Lost- One four year old Light Bay Mare, no brand, with wire cut I on right front leg and across left shoulder with three white feet. Also one year old Black Stallion. Reward -$20.00 each. Lawrence Peterson. Board & Rooms at Mrs. B.F. Lovell's FOR SALE House and lot, for particulars Apply to H. C. Merz. If you have the cash and are in need of a stove or range it will pay you to call on A. R. Young before making your purchase elsewhere. One door east of Golden Rule Store, Mt. Pleasant. Advertisement. Don't waste your money buying 'strengthening plasters. Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Liniment is cheaper and better Dampen a piece of flannel with it and bind it over the affected parts and it will relieve the pain and soreness. sore-ness. For sale by all Dealers. Adv. What is the matter trying a few Commercial Orchards of Cherries? Some one on the bench land. It will be a good investment. The Utah Nursery can furnish the best of trees. See J. E. Gunderson or either of their district salesmen.' Utah Nursery Nurs-ery Co. Advertisement. We observe by the flickering of the light on Monday evenings that some of our Patrons aje using motors which is against the rules of the Company, because of the shortage of current. Hereafter we will make regular rounds of the City, and any one caught using Motors or Irons in the evening will be disconnected without notice. By order of ttse Board Mt. Pleasant Mill & Power Co. Great Millinery Sale at the Progress. Pro-gress. Hats are going:: at a great sacrifice. The best time to get your winter hat. Advertisement- not give ths isF family a littla sur- Ya M prise at tonight's B B dinner Navajo Coffee ? B M In our long experience, we S M have never had a brand E B that so completely satisfied E B everyone and we'M guarantee M JB that you'll enjoy the rare, Ja S mellow flavor and the onvary- ff 3 ing quality of the fine blend. ; 3 B Comes in a dust-proof moist- M H ure-proof package four grades, fjf H Let us send you a M m package for a trial. W'r Jtyr ?TI H Phone us now. f f'iff I I 1 ERICKSEN MEAT Uffjif & GROCERY CO. I IBS H .dgfillk THe Best News ffl ' W I Hf!gMA W N hi pj P -'v " 4' i Wte for price tifl On3?T iirea hern k 1111 rSrcii-iugSlHalli, i 1 I II Jl I rf t ' v-v.-1 .:-..y. ,- r - rr-l -i 2 SahT- . t . : . . :w. s . - I ,-7!fv -;;i', , nSiiir' f ' "t& n.. -ir f-.Si. JJ I ,' T . Most Buyers ARE Buying It. Most Everyone CAN Buy It. five Passenger GJQA JL JJL O- Touring Car, only pHJtVf A. JAMES AAGARD :-: Agent FOUNTAIN GREEN, UTAH We Have One of the Most Com- g S plete Lines of Shoes All grades and styles, carried in any country store. j Douglass and Peters Shoes if!) are our leading brands. Prices from 25c to $5 a pair. We have a large stock of Boys' Overcoats, which jj we are offering at a big reduction. You will save i jjj money by buying here. V e5 Men's heavy Ribbed Union Underwear at 98 cts. jj per suit. Compai'e prices with other lines for same $ money. An elegant line of Silk Dress Goods just in. Ji? ri Big stock of Men's, Ladies' and Children's 3 Sweaters, all Up-To-Date Styles. New line of Furs just opened up. i THE WASAf CH MERC. CO. S 5 )Vl!S!!e)SM I TRAVELS TO COLORADO AND THE EAST. 5( Should select a route famed for its S Scenic Attractions and Superior Train Service. I THE DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD I "The Scenic Line of the World" I "EVERY This. Route offers the -'Back East" Travelers a MILE more varied scenic attractions, that can be g A seen from the car windows without extra ex S jsj PICTURE" pense for side trips, than any other lin. a Special Low Round Trip Fares to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, S S Denver and principal eastern points, g a on sale g I October llth and 19th, 1912 1 I November 23rd and 25th, 1912 1 December 21st and 23rd, 1912 " Throupr'n Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars uaily to S I Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. S j SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE ? Fares and full particulars will be cheerfully furnished i on- application to any Rio Grande Agent. t I. A. BENTON, Gen. Agt., Paw. Dept. F. FOUT3. Agent,' 1 Salt Lake City, Utah. Ogden, Utah. FRANK A. WALDE1GH. General Passenger Agent, i , Denver, Colorado. S ,g THE USE OF J IF J The TELEPHONE '"f Vw1 HAS BECOME UNIVERSAL vl It is no Luxury, but 1 i'M AN ABSTLUTE JrL NECESSITY The man without a telephone is like "a ship without a rudder." Let the telephone run your errands and save time. r j A The Mountain States Telephone Bcs&s'and Teleg:ph Co. I L. P. VICKERS, Lorn, .ictjcr |