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Show BACKACHE"GBTS ON THE NERVES" Many who suffer from backache and weak kidneys are unnaturally irritable, fretful and nervous. Not only dVies constant backache "get on the nerves", but bad kidneys fail to eliminate all the urio acid from the system, and uric acid irritates the nerves, keeping you "on edge" and causing rheumatic, neuralgic pains. Doan's Kidney Pills cure these ills by curing the kidneys. Here's proof: r"yr:gv"Tjj7'1 A California ViliiJ " Mrs. a Walsh, 1549 Tomb Avenuo, Sun i J Kranoisco.Cal.says: V , 'aa V? 'I had such sharp. It'-'',.,'? j. f a i&v I shooting pains I. ' jr 1 7fl throunh my kidneys pii vt it soeinod thai a ZZ -f V'-? knire woro heinK r-4 ; k Aj. i- . thrust Into mo. My r Is 8 back was so lame I " S I' 9 J could hardly stoop. W i'.M-ik Doan's Kiduoy 11 lis V I ' :,vc3 cared meaflur doo- iBWS?L-iJ tors failed. 1 have Sll .W.ly j-a- had no trouble U-" slno-" "Bvnj Pitt Ttlh a fierr" Get Doan'i at Any Draff Storo. 50e a Box DOAN'S klnlIy FOSTER-MDJBURN CO.. Buffalo. Now York |