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Show Local Jots . i Mrs. Henry Tcdd and chilren of Idaho, are in this city visiting with jher father, John Carter and other ; relatives and friends, for the- first i time in many years. A piece of sole leather which was , placed in Pleasant Creek to soak, has j been taken. Mr. Hafen would appreciate ap-preciate very much if some oner would return it to the same place. Adv. If you are needing any Job Printing Print-ing in the near future place your orders with the Pyramid. We do work for business firms at home nnd elsewhere. Upon delivering one of the largest jobs that has ever been printed in Mount Plebsant, the Jumbo Jum-bo & Cement Company sends tJie following fol-lowing word to the Pyramid. "The work is very nicely done and much appreciated." Respectfuily, Jumbo Plaster & Cement Co. Do not send your printing away to Salt Lake City or elsewhere to' be done. We are in the busiuess and are doing work for people st Provo as well as firms in Salt Lake City. Ben Christensen of Ephrf im and Miss Mae Carlston of this city went to Siilt Lake City last Monday and were married in the Salt Lake Temple Tem-ple on W ednesday the 6th. Congrat u'ations are awaiting the popular! young couple from their manj ; friends, both in Mount Pleasant and ' Ephraim. j Although I was defeated in this.j campaign, I wish to thank a wh.i CHst their vote for me, for sheriff. , and the loyal support which they gave me. C. T. Dp.eage. A'lYortUerrK-nt. |