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Show Sanpete County Elects Entire Republican Ticket Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey is the nation's choice. The United States went Democratic, giving Wilson a total of 408 electoral votes the largest ever given any candidate candi-date for president in the history of the United States. He car- ried thirty-seven states in the union. ' Thomas R. Marshall of Indiana will go into' office with him on the 4th of March to preside over the senate as vice-president. Theodore Roosevelt was second in the race for the presidency. He carried car-ried six states with a total electoral vote of 104. Utah, Idaho and Vermont remained remain-ed true to William Howard Taft. These three states will give him a total electoral vote of 12. They expressed ex-pressed their confidence in him and endorse the administration during the past four years. Besides the presidency and vice-presidency, vice-presidency, the Democratic party also retained the lower house of congress con-gress by an overwhelming majority. And on top of that it probably captured cap-tured the United States Senate. Two hundred and sixty-seven Dem- Cocrats. 148 Republicans and 20 Progressives Pro-gressives is the promised lineup of the national house of representatives That gives the Democrats a clear majority of 99 over all. The new senate will probably consist con-sist of Si Democrats and 43 Republicans. Republi-cans. These figures may be changed "lightly by more complete returns, for they assume that Illinois legislature legisla-ture ha9 gone Democratic and will elect two senators of that faith. Salt Lake county proved to be the salvation of the Republican party in the state of Utah. Outside of Salt Lake county the Republicans and Democrats broke about even in taking tak-ing the state at large, and the plurality plur-ality in Salt Lake county was necessary neces-sary to insure the safety of the Re-publican Re-publican ticket. Gov. Spry carried the state by approximately ap-proximately 5000 plurality. In Sanpete county the Republicans elected every candidate on their ticket. tick-et. It was a close contest with some of the candidates, but the Republi cans were victorious in making a . clean sweep on their entire ticket in the county. The candidates elected are as follows: fol-lows: L. R. Anderson and James Monsen, State Representatives from Sa pete county; Albert H. Christen-sen, Christen-sen, District Judge of the Seventh - Judicial District: James W. Cherry, District Attorney; Peter Mortensen, County Commissioner, four-year term; C. M. Madsen, County Commissioner, Com-missioner, two-year term; T. J. Mor-ley, Mor-ley, Jr., County Clerk; J. M. Burns, County Sheriff; C. H. Beal, County Recorder; H. C. Hansen Bogh, County Coun-ty Assessor; J. A. Johnson, County Treasurer; Erastus Dilworth Wool-ey, Wool-ey, County Attorney; C. C. Whitlock, County Surveyor; A. J. Rees, County Coun-ty Superintendent of Schools. In the Mount Pleasant Precinct, Peter Matson was elected Justice of the Peace by a majority of 13. N. C. Johanson was elected Constable by a majority of 17. ' |