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Show A CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY. The Rev. Edmund Heslop of Wig-ton, Wig-ton, Pa., suffered from Dropsy for a year. His limbs and feet were swollen swol-len and puffed. He had heart flutter- ting, was dizzy and exhausted at the least exertion. exer-tion. Hands and feet were cold and he had such a dragging sensation sensa-tion across the loins that it was difficult to move. TT , After using 5 Rev. E. Heslop. boxe3 of Dodds Kidney Pills the swelling disappeared disappear-ed and he felt himself again. He says he has been benefited and blessed by the use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Several Sev-eral months, later he wrote: I have not changed my faith in your remedy since the above statement was authorized. author-ized. Correspond with Rev. E. Heslop Hes-lop about this wonderful remedy. Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at your dealer or Dodd3 Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. W.'ite for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and German words) and recipes re-cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. Adv. b TT5) Tl tn's PaPer Readers ! j advertised in its columns should I insist upon having what they ask for, ' I refusing all substitutes or imitations. I W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 45-1912. j ,- , , ,i -!--.-'-,. . -,. ,A'- .-vha. -t r vA-vivi.- $ i i..:. For Infant3 and Children. IHSBSSli The Kind You Have . ffraM&MMj Always Bought ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Ifi AYegctabie Preparation for As- ff fM ting the Stomachs and Bowels of -"oaio biiv a w 9 msmmimm Signature i Mr Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ' Jf r ?j ness and Rest.Contains neither q-P ( L Opium. Morphine nor Mineral u g l Not Narcotic j I Pumpkin SC ' g rftx Senna gS 8 ;V' RochelleSvfh 14 lis Anist Sd ftJl S fJtatSoU ( tfV A ft I II w0rm sc. - II i J I 111 j , C WnBcrprtea Flavor I f CI 0 Ap'erfect Remedy for Conslipa- fT 0 l! S G 5JI lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, fair i0 Worms,Convulsions.Feveri3h- I kj n f ness and Loss OF Sleep j9 OF U V 6 f" f:; Facsimile Signature of . g jL- ( Ypars The Centaur Company. B (ill It, Uul O NEW YORK. j J NGuaranteed under the Foodanj .1 Exact Copy of Wrapper. Th ointiur odhhnv, nv york oity. yvy-M.w-wBfwMv,;rT "LL1 V ' SHOES fe, 3.00 3.50 $4.00 $4.50 A''D $5.00 ilU W FOR MEN AND WOMEN ' , u iS Boys waar W. L. Dovsilax $2.00, $2. SO & S3.QO School 4 Shoes, becsuse cne pr xtrltl positively ouiwoar two -yS I gtzfos of ordinary shoes, soma sss the man's shoos, 4 rV W.L-Douglas make and sells more $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 shoes .f yjyv than any other manufacturer in the world. r4 v 1 z W wiiia THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. The workmanship which has made W. L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to show you W. L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice the short vamps which make the foot look smaller, points in a shoe particularly desired by young men. Abo the conservative styles which have made W. L. .Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. If you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand un-derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and wear longer than any other make for the price. fast Color Eyelets, CAUTION. To protect you ag-ainst inferior ihoet, W. L. Dongla atampe his name on the bottom. bot-tom. Look for the stamp. Beware of substitute. W. L. Douglas shoe are sold in 78 own tores and shoe dealers everywhere. No matter where you live, they aro within your reach. If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct to factory for catalog showing how to order by mail. Shoes sent every where, delivery charges prepaid. W. IDouglas, Brockton. Mass. Jp?g That WondertaSf Event Xi' f THERE is a time above all times when a I J' -I woman should be in perfect physical condition fl Ni J it is the time previous to the coming of her babe 3 f J a During this period many women suffer from headache, J sleeplessness, pains of various description, poor appetite, : l.,....,.,.-... ,.;,..m-".- - r-y-tj and a hot of other ailments which should be eliminated In li""-t ' """1'","'-t"-,"1""ll"""""'u"1"1 ' jasUce lo the new hie about to be ushered into this world. I dr. pierge's gATOEITE PRESCRIPTION , UJ is a scientific medicine carefully con--oundcd by an experienced and skilful M phyric.an, and adapted to the nceU r. .J r'jquireiTicnls of woman's delicalo H sysKn. It has been rerommciiui:(i - cr forty years as a rt-medy for thoe J p'-culiar ailments which inane then pcarancc during "ihe expectant" 12 rcriod. Moihcrhood is made easier by il ue. Thousands ol women have H been benefited by this great mediCJiie, 1 Your druggist can supp'y you In liquid or t?Met form, or you can send h FO one-cent slumps for a trial box of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ij ?'abicls, to Dr. Pierce, at Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, liuiialo. I is your priviledge to write to Dr. Pierce for advice, and it wilt be gladhj given free of charge. Of course ail communications are confidential. COLT DISTEMPER rt'Z'-$- "S ' s-itn bo hanrilod vrrr ouOly. Tbo rrV arr curol, anrJ nil other In " V vt 7 --yi, khtiio f tiitjlc. no tniii ff-r dow "rijwl." k--;it Tnun Iig viiuf the cjla-yflPv cjla-yflPv '-. t'T "ulna MvHN-a Ll'jl'IiJ I USTi.M I'l.K Ct'ltK. Olvp on jt'..'"ii.- iy.'. ' ' Jz 7 ' J-''ftt ''t''0 t"ririic. or In f'-i-'l. Arts on tlm blood inl pijK-lf etmm nf '' i i J- a.1 form," a a i1 '.'tnpi'r. Prt rtimyiv over knov. r, for mares in foal. fr .-I'.'-' '-i"- Xj S . fj'.: V i f 'n0 tattle cramntc''! to c;rc n;,c ruse ami i) a trottle: t' and Jp ''.A'l.. ,: -v! "s, X'" -?2J-'-'-7l Hfl 'l""-1' t dni (:;-.: and tinrnf-fcx dt-alrm. or urn t r-TjTtaP palrl liy S 'r.j ' I ".-ii-trj ' "f I ntJinu fact! rem. Oi t Fhows Ijow to poult I'x- 1 lirojilA. Our f rc ; sW",'- :' 'JrQij '' 1 1 F-ooklet d vcf (jvervihln?. Jx.'-aI tn.-m'j wanUxL irpoet sollmg 0',- " r LVityi'i 'niir" 'Jii . bfrne remedy In eJt Istjnco Urelve years. 6P0HN MEDICAL CCCbeahiiwdBaeterloiosUu, Coohon, lnd.t U. 8. A FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are Richest in Curative Qualities FOR BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER Jr: --ay IF EIAVIC nntl ivrint TOP PU1CKS fnr them, write for our pric list. Vn omito wlinl wo puv. unci pivy what wo qimlo. Denver Raw Fur Co., iisii! AlUll S L IIH'.-M l Vff.ll ll-St liriniK I U-kim, Hone VlrrH.Kemf ii!n IHccirs.VfirlcoHc I' l-T8,I n-dolt'iit n-dolt'iit 1' IcrnOI n il rhil 1' lcirn, W lilt S ivrll-lll-;.MIIk i.cL-.l- I'Vcr Sor.-S, allol-Uorc.. liTn.nllt.Oo. Ikiokli-t fne. J. P. ALL1N, in-pi. A3l,bl. Paul, Minn. HOWARD E. BURTON AS!ftvEEMVTNI Specimen pricfK: (Ji.ld, HilTcr, Lead, 11: UoW, Silver. 7,"c; i riU. 60c: Zinc or Topper, fl. Mailing pnvclcpes niju full prleo lint, sent on uppllctillon. Contrul anil nmpiro wtirk Bolh llorl. l.rnilvUie, Col. ltefcrcDco. GurbunaLe Nullunal Bank. (iuarnntced .Me'n'M nnd Women's Klines. Must wiar (i n - yt-nr or m w j ;t i r. Sew n 1 I re. 12 y pair A urn t n Wiintcd. M V. ( A VI 1 i K CO.. micin; SI or NT, PA. Kyl "Parker's fc-r HAIR BALSAM I F-.. -,- jT'rornotM lnjurim-il (rrowth. F.'-Vy;. f'Jj:J'!7fr Fall to Ktoro Oray fc'-'-,. T; Hair to itn Youthful OoLor, F't.""t"Cv' c1 rw-S I'revrntfl hftlr falling. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Colurmore poods brighter and faster colors than arry othtrdye. One 10c package colora all fibers. Theyde in cold water better than any other dye. You can Cezny Karr-r.t without ripping apart. Writo for free booklet How to Dye, Btea-h and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Qulncy, 111. |