Show The sugar beet pulp is a very good feed for milch cows. Paper may be made to stick to whitewashed walls by an application of vinegar to the walls. Some farmers are even so busy In harvest time that they haven't time to stop to do the oiling. By Intelligent breeding and care most of the dairy herd can be brought up to double their production. produc-tion. A good way to make a start with the use of cement on the farm is to build a concrete feeding floor for hogs. A yearling tree Is preferred by many to older trees. They are thought to be safer to transplaut than 2-year trees. One of the most common mistakes 1b to let the colt grow up big enough to work before bothering to teach him much. Prepare for the colt that's coming by giving the mare easy work and plenty of nourishing food and good water. Green fodder at the tall end of the summer Is reliBhed by the cows as Ice cream U relished by the school children. |