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Show The class series in basket ball that has been talked about for some time commenced last Friday. The Freshmen Fresh-men vs the Juniors, and the Sophomores Soph-omores vs the Seniors. The games were played in good spirit despite the lack of class spirit although the few students that were there showed their class spirit to the utmost extent. ex-tent. The Freshmen and Seniors were victorious in the games. The Foot Ball game that was played play-ed last Saturday between Wasatch Academy and Academy team from Price was witnessed by a number of our students and also a part of the faculty, and by the attitude shown it was enjoyed immensly. One point that was noticed more than anything was the school spirit, nearly all members mem-bers of the High School Department were present and cheered the team with all their might, which was a great help in the; winning of the game. "STUDENT SLUFFS SCHOOL WORK.''. Last Friday the president of the Junior class, asked for his name to be taken off the program as he was to make a speech in Student Stu-dent Body meeting, but we would not release him so hesluffed. We will hear from him later.. The N. S. H. S., may need to set up a hospital in connection with the school with Miss Ryan as head nurse and Jensen as assistant. Students rejoice The faculty are furnishing the library in grand style. Plush carpet and many more comforts com-forts may induce the teachers t forget for-get to come to class once in awhile. But, beware, this room, it is rumored, rumor-ed, is to be the place where the student stu-dent body council meet, and some of us may not want to walk on the plush carpet the second time. |