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Show j KING NICHOLAS PICKED TO START WAR Sis at j&. j Declaration of war against Turkey by King Nicholas of Montenegro, fol. lowed quickly by several severe en, gagements between Montenegrin and Turkish forces, are regarded merely as the beginning of a general coni flagratlon In the Balkan states. It is believed that the other units in the Balkan coalition will follow suit as soon as the mobilization of the armies Is complete. There is only a faint hope now that the representations of the powers pow-ers will avert general hostilities. Montenegro's move is considered by many to be part of a prearranged plan. It is asserted that Greece was first selected by the Balkan confederation confed-eration to force the issue and inaugurate inau-gurate the war. This could easily have been done by Greece seating in the Greek parliament par-liament the deputies from Crete, which was certain to prove a casus belli to Turkey. Greece, however, declined to accept responsibility for starting the flame of battle. Montenegro was then picked. She had a long standing quarrel with Turkey Tur-key over the boundary question and Turkey's refusal to grant satisfaction was seized upon as justification for Montenegro's resort to arms. |