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Show uu FINDS RAPID CURE FOR CHRONIC WOUNDS Paris, Jan. 18, 4:50 a. m. Dr. Pierre Roux, director of the Pasteur Institute, Insti-tute, announced to the Academy of Sciences las night that a remarkable advance In serumthorapy had been mad as the result of a discovery by Dr. Bassuet of a method of cleaning automatically woundB that had resisted resist-ed treatment. Dr. Bassuet employs the polyvalent serum discovered last year .by Drs. Lo Clalncho and Valle. Dr. Roux said 420 wounded men who had been In hospitals from six to fourteen months were treated by Dr. Bassuet's methods. meth-ods. As a result, tho Infection seemed seem-ed to revive. Abscesses formed and burst spontaneously, eliminating bits of bono splinters, bullets, pieces of clothing and even drains and silver sil-ver threads left in tho incisions by mistake. After this had happened, Dr. Roux said, tho wounds healed quickly in moat cases, and men who had been lying helpless for months were discharged, cured. |