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Show K ONLY 2 PER CENT ARE l ABOVE POVERTY. Hj Something must be done in the H next decade to correct the Improvl- Sdence of the American people. There must be old-age insurance, govern- ment control of the drifting and un- Hj employment safeguards. H As the country grows in population H and new avenues of employment fail H to open in proportion to the Increase Hjj in population, and our undeveloped re- wji sources decrease, there will come per- H iods of great depression and extreme I poverty. Charily will be unable to relieve the distress and anarchy will be difficult to suppress. Looking ahead, our government should begin to put in force measures to prevent that condition arising. hi How careless the American people H are as to what tomorrow may bring Hj forth is disclosed In statistics from Hi Leslie's Weekly, as follows: H "Do you know that In the United H States 66 out of every 100 people that Hi die leave no estate whatever? Do you know that out of the remaining HI 3 1 only nine leave estates larger than HI $5,000, and that the average of the H balance of 25 Ib a little less than $1,-! $1,-! 300? Do you know that at the age of sixty-five, 97 out of every 100 In HI America are partly or wholly depend-H depend-H ! cnt upon relatives, friends or the pub-HJ pub-HJ lit for their daily bread, for their clothing, and a roof under which to I sleep? We all know that the one safe-Hl safe-Hl guard against pauperism by the coup-Hjl coup-Hjl tries of Europe has been thrift. Prance, Germany, Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland have been the leaders In thrift. Do you realize that according accord-ing to recent government statistic-, 9tf per cent of the American people are living from day to day on their wages and that a loss of employment would mean pauperism for all but 2 per cent of us?" |