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Show FRUIT 1USTRY TO BE CONSIDERED Survey of the fruit Industry of the sLite, looking to definite contracts be- i;uii me muwsiH uiiu ine marKeung and canning Interests, will be started today at Logan by the state horticultural horticul-tural commission. The survey follows out the suggestions sugges-tions of the Utah Plorticultural society, soci-ety, made at the recent convention held in Provo and Ogden. Resolutions were adopted asserting the needs of a better understanding between the fruitgrowers and their sources of outlet out-let and recommending that the state commission take the matter up this month. A thorough canvass of the situation will be made by the commission at its sessions in Logan and committees will be appointed representing the growers, grow-ers, the marketing agencies, the can-ners can-ners and the handlers of dried fruit products. These committees will be called to meet with the commission at a later date and discuss the coming season's prospects. It is the dOBlre of the fruitgrowers and the commission to stabilize the industry so that every grower will have a defined and arranged-for market mar-ket for every bit of his fruit before the season begins. It ib hoped to arrange for the contracting of fruits bv the canners and dried fruit manufacturers, manufactur-ers, something after the manner In which the sugar factories contract for farmers' beets. Fruitgrowers are eager to put their business on a more stable basis and want to know from the canners and similar buyers of fruit just what varieties var-ieties are in demand. It la possible that from the proposed conference will come a renovation of Utah orchards, orch-ards, displacing some varieties and bringing the planting of others for which there appears to be a better regulated market. The present meeting of the state commission lias been called for Loean so that the commissioners may con fer with the experts of that institution at the same time |