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Show WHERE WOUNDS ARE HEALED. Not many, but a few, Important discoveries dis-coveries in the treatment of wounds have been made in the war zone. The latest advancement is in serum-therapy, serum-therapy, as announced in a press dispatch dis-patch from Paris, in which the director direc-tor of the Pasteur Institute Is quoted as saying that Dr. Bassuet of the French army has found that by using us-ing the polyvalent serum of Doctors Leclainche and Valle, wounds automatically auto-matically clean themselves. Ovor 400 wounded men who had been In hospitals hos-pitals from six to fourteen months, were treated by Dr. Bassuet's method. As a result the Infection seemed to revive. Abscesses formed and burst spontaneously, eliminating bits of bone, splinters, bullets, pieces of clothing and even drains and sliver threads left In the Incisions by mistake. mis-take. After this had happened, the wounds healed quickly In most cases, and men who had been lying helpless for months, were cured. At the time of the discovery of the polyvalent serum much was expected. Ibis latest report seems to confirm the earlier statoment that the serum marks a long step forward for the medical profession. nn |