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Show DISRUPTION OF THE PEACE PARTY The Hague, Netherlands, via London, Lon-don, Jan. 19, 3-04 a. m. While preparing pre-paring for the proposed departuro to Stockholm, where it is intended to begin be-gin sessions In an attempt to bring about tho termination of the war, tho Ford permanent peace board was threatened with disruption today by tho refusal of nil the member to proceed pro-ceed on the trip to Stockholm. Of the five American members of the board only Dr. Charles F. Akel has announced his willingness to go to Stockholm. Mrs. Joseph Fols of Philadelphia Phila-delphia says sho Is going to England on business. William J. Bryan, Henry Hen-ry Ford and Miss Jane Adams, who are tho other American members, are still In America, and as nothing has been heard from them, members of the expedition here are much perplexed per-plexed over the absence of news concerning con-cerning them. Would Dismiss Barry. The disagreement developed over five alternates Madame RoBika Sch-wimmer, Sch-wimmer, who is employed by Mr Ford as a peace expert, announced that she had cablod to Ford for permission to dismiss John D. Barry of San Fran clsco, who was elected an alternate member of the permanent peace board by membors of the expedition, most of whom are now homeward "bound on the steamer Rotterdam Mmo. Schwlmmer says she will appoint ap-point Harry C. Evans of Des Moines. Tho objection to Mr Barry is that he refused to sign a statement on board tho steamer Oscar II denouncing President Pres-ident Wilson's preparedness policy. The other alternates declined to proceed pro-ceed to Stockholm. Llndsey to Leave. Judge Ben Llndsey of Denver says ho is preparing to leave the party and is going, to Germany in an attempt tc formulate a plan to relieve the children chil-dren of the belligerent countries. The Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones of Chicago, another alternate, says that he is preparing pre-paring to leave on tho steamer Ryn-dam Ryn-dam on January 24 for New York The situation as It now appears eliminates ail American members of tho permanent peace board for the present, except Dr Aked and possibly Mr. Evans, unless Mr. Bryan and Mr Ford come to The Hague or Stockholm Stock-holm Gaston Plantiff, personal representative represen-tative for Mr Ford, has received cablegram instructions to return to America and explain tho situation to his employer. In the meantime. Mme Schwlmmer is ploadlng with the American members of the expedition to remain together and work for peace, Inasmuch as $375,000 already had been spent upon the expedition |