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Show H -. . TWENTY-FIVE CENT COUPON-No 1 hb i nis coupon and 25c Is good for one (onlvt 50 hnti. t e u t I XT SSI T&inSV " A' " &" SWS H Name Address .' HI -"-Advertisement. H oo The Hippodrome Vaudeville tomorrow, a quality show. uu Read the Classified Ada. ' The Red Circle read it in the Standard every Saturday. See it at the Lyceum every Tuesday. WOMEN! HERE IS . A MONEY SAVER Use gasoline to dry clean family's fam-ily's clothes and save $5. Dry cleaning at home is just as simple as laundering. Any woman can clean five dollars' worth in fifteen minutes at little cost by getting from the drug store two ounces of solvlte and put this In two gallons of gasoline, gaso-line, where It quickly dissolves. Then immerse articles to 'be cleoned; rub a little and In a few moments the gasoline gaso-line evaporates and the articles look bright and fresh as new. You can dry clean silk waists, dresses, coats, ribbons, kid' gloves, satin shoes, evening slippers, Bhawls, belts, yokes, furs, boas, muffs, neckties, neck-ties, lawns, dimity and chiffon dresses, dress-es, draperies, fine laces, lace curtains, woolen garments. In fact, any and everything that would be ruined by soap and water as dry cleaning doesn't fade, shrink or wrinkle, making mak-ing pressing unnecessary. Your grocer or any garage will supply sup-ply the gasoline and you can obtain two ounces of solvlte at the drug store, which Is simply a gasoline soap Then a wash boiler or large dlahpan completes your dry cleaning outfit. "As gasoline Is very inflammable, bo sure to do your dry cleaning out of doors or In a room away from fire or flame, with tho windows left open." Advertisement GARTER HE GUT m mm bill "The Lion's Bride," a sumptuous and mysterious spectacle, the cast of which includes a big, shaggy-maned, untamed lion and a beautiful ballet of an oriental type, is one of the biggest thrillers of the season on the new Pantages bill at the Orpheum tomorrow. tomor-row. The sketch is a pantomime in which iwo dancers are seen. One of these rebuffs the advances of the monarch and Is therefore thrown Into tho cage with the Hon, which is a real lion and paces his cage and roars In a way that leaves little doubt as to the genuineness gen-uineness of his ferocity. Twice the lady escapes and twice the despot returns just in timo to cast her back again with the hungry beast. At last the lion leaps upon her breast as a revolver shot rings out, the weapon being held by the other dancer. Instantly In-stantly there is a change in the lion's cage that Js thoroughly mystifying, for in a trice, instead of the lion, there appears Carter himself. A moment mo-ment later the Illusion Is switched, and the lion is right where he was before, be-fore, held fast by the iron bars of his cage. Carter Is acknowledged to be one of the greatest magicians the world has ever known, and after a six years' tour of the globe, has been engaged for the Pantages circuit, with a new series of mystical magical illusions. Advertisement. oo Read the Classified Ada. I HEALTH COMMISSIONER TELLS WHY MEN ARE BALD. In the February American Magazine Dr. Arthur R, Reynolds, former Health Commissioner of Chicago giveB the following reasons for baldness: "The hats that men wear are the cause of their baldness above the hat line. Women also wear hats, but I their hats are fastened to their hair I and do not grip the head as men's hats do. All other causes of baldness such as Infections, seborrhea, etc., affect af-fect both sexes alike and are, in fact, more difficult to treat locally In women wom-en than In men because of their long hair. "How does the hat affect the growth of hair in man? By compressing compress-ing the arteries, the veins, the lymphatics, lym-phatics, and to some extent the nerves that supply and nourish the hair. It is not because the hat is hard or soft or that it keeps the head too hot. It is because the hat band compresses the vessels and starves the roots of the hair. Caps do the same thing, but caps as a rule do not grip the head, so tightly as hats do. "Baldness usually begins at tho summit of the crown toward the back part, at the distant and weaker part of the vessels furnishing the circulation. circula-tion. In such cases the pressure has been on the vessels on the side of the head. Sometimes the baldness begins be-gins above tho forehead and is the high forehead type of baldness. In these cases the pressure has been upon up-on the vessels of the forehead. Sometimes Some-times the head Is bald low down In the back where the pressure has been upon the vessels In this region. When the head is completely bald on top the pressure has been on the entire vascular supply of the scalp." Advertisement. "Excuse Me," a film version of the stage success of the same name, the greatest laugh-producer laugh-producer ever made At the Isis next Sunday and Monday. 00 AFTER A STRENUOUS i l NIGHT . P and a big meal downtown, protect I ) L yourself against a dull headache i 5g and disordered stomach next morn- 5 Ing by mixing two teaspoonfuls of ? ' Liver Saline I in ! $ In a half glass of S J' f cold water and fc j3) ) U? drinking it while ik tft 5i It's effervescent. xPS3 I i It will cleanse Wt-&Hl I W&. leave you bright I rLJVbCl !' ? and wide awake 1 Aaa222BS!! I $& for tomorrow's jfflfsSSgH jf Sp, fco'd In two ffl -tr:.-crx kz m hfe generous sizes. sl-HIi: I "W 25c and 50c, by ! S-Sksi I J 1 & y assagai I S: McINTYRE g'':tfJ I W DRUG co. IgJJlJ) real PENSLAR m t DRUG STORE. M ' " " IK |