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Show Hi B H ' - H ' B r B HB aismen H Los Angeles and return l January 29 H UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM H CITY TICKET OFFICE H. Orphcum Block. Hj Phone 2500. li B w B I! t I H ! L . B 11 nobetter II H II TESTIMONIAL j Hc M to a young man's thrift rtn Hlj H and careful saying hab- w g Hl I II Its can be shown than H I 1 ' H I his bank book, bear- I 1 H P 1 n record of regular I H mM You are cordially in- WM H I ted to come In and 1 1 H 1 open an account, or if 11 H ! I 1 you live at a distance, 1 1 H F HI you can Bafely and 1 1 H I conveniently bank with H 1 H J COMPOUNDED QUARTERIY'T ! I Ogden Savings Bank! Hj 1 2384-WASHINGTON AVE. 1 H It 06 DEN, UTAH Tf I V THERE IS AVAST ARMY of men and women who really never know what it is to enjoy sound, vibrating vibrat-ing health who would be surprised to suddenly gain that exhilarating vitality that robust health brings. Literally thousands without any particular par-ticular sickness live in "general debility", de-bility", as the doctors call it have headaches, are tired and indifferent. To all such people we say with unmistakable unmis-takable earnestness "Take Scott's Emulsion after meals f orone month and allow its rare oil-food to enrich and enliven en-liven your blood, quicken your circulation, circula-tion, stimulate nutrition, and aid nature to develop that real red-blooded life that means activity, enjoyment, success." Scott's Emulsion is not a drug, but a pleasant food-tonic free from alcohoL One bottle may help you. Scott & Eomic, Dloomficld, N.J. 15-31 Advertisement. oo ou Read tho Classified Ads. nn . To Fight Tuberculosis the best weapons any sufferer can obtain are those which Nature places close at nand fresh air, plain, well-cooked well-cooked food, rest and personal by glene. Also, it Ib well to keep your hopes high and your courage strong. But many cases do not yield even to the fullest exercise of helpful measures. Bven in their inciploncy there is need for something more. Nature does all she can, but must have help and medication la Indicated. Indi-cated. Eckman's Alterative ' In many instances Eckman's Alterative Alter-ative has been used 'with, beneficial re- suits. No exaggerated claims are what it actually Las done. And It is safe to try, for it does not contain any poisonous or haJbit-forming drugs. You can get it from your druggist or direct. Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia. Advertisement. 5 Checks Bad Cold in Five 2 2 Minutes by the Clock g fe Relieves Worst Cough in TwoSk g Minutes Make a Full Pint ofJi X Soothing, Healing, Laxatives 6 Tonic, Cold and Cough SyrupS 2 at Home. 2 Ilore wo tell how to tako 2V ounces of ESSENCE MENTHO-LAXEND. mix H In your own homo, with simple burut syrup or honey, and havo a. full pint, 'nod.rIy threo dollara worth" of tho moat dollclous, effectlvo cold and cough remedy over conceived Under actual scientific test It haa been shown that this marvelous concentration will check or abort a. fresh cold In five minutes by tho clock. Also that It reliovcs wort.t cough In les3 than two minutes. It contains con-tains an extract, the fumes of which como In contact with tho mucus of the nose and throat and quickly chock the ravages of tho "cold germ" and too, it Is tonic and laxative, thus aiding nature to rid tho system of cough and cold Inflammation. Inflam-mation. It loosens tho tight cough und quickly dry3 up tho looso cough. Thousands of families In tho XJ. S., England and Canada know Its virtues already. Millions of families should know, becauso It saves money and suffering suf-fering us no other home-mado medicine Tho great chemical and drug firm, The Blackburn Products Co., of Dayton, Ohio guarantee evory bottle of this puro es&onco compound, satisfactory or money baok so bo suro to get tho genuine, and you -will not be disappointed. Advertisement. Advertise-ment. J u- e 1 a iave We Save We Save Wo save JgW We Save We Save We Save Wc Save w Yqu WH JsSi 5Y0d I 50U I 50 1 50. 1 50c JO "9H w Save - T'woSav. ' .YU You 1 50 50S M wtr Have those spots wTr i removed from your jf 1 Ut clothing. We d it WJ I 7 at a small cost, z fl You m 50 Your Suit Cleaned mi 5o $ We Save PlSSe! !0F wTslvI tl You you R w5pyc tpjLvv sir ji Yz Hie Dollar Geaners IsT 9 rrrr Phone 513 . , We Save We Savo - You You I 50 , 50tf j j We Save 1 We Save We Save We Save We Save We Save We Save ; t You You You You You You You j t 50c 50c 50 50 50c 50 50e 4 1 ! NUXATED IRON jjj Increases strength I j 1 JMjptjl j25ig)?T of delicate, nervous, ji 0 1c b fi v WTfllJ I rundown people 2M y 1HHMHBBBHBB Ask your doctor oi I, druggist about It A H Mclntyre Drug Co alwaj 3 carry It In stock. I UINTA BASIN LANDS I 1 1 Irrigated farm lands can be bought in the Uinta Basin I J for $15 to $20 per acre; water in abundance. 1 Stock in DUCHESNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 1 sells for $10 per share. Money from the sale of stock 1 is invested in Uinta Basin lands. 3 , J Shareholders are given free advice as to "snaps." I Is SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIRTY DAYS: Shares 1 : J $7.50 each if bought in pairs. 1 For further information write: 1 a'i Duchesne Land Company I 1 1108 Boston BuUding. Salt Lake City. I , 3 I Mexico's BplffWII I ,' Natural fe-- B f I tribution of a Series of Mexican Corn 1 M I brief pictorial folders on Mexico, covering the coun- 1 ! fl try's modem history, government, resources, etc. I M I We desire to place these folders in the hands of I M every interested person, and we invite requests from I M I readers of this p.aper. Use attached coupon. I M I FIRST NATIONAL BANK I I OGDEN, UTAH. I M I Please place my name on your mailing list to receive I H I withont charge the Mexico-Alaska Pictorial Series, I IJ I Name q 1 Mwl I Street , . , . . w ... . . . state .. ....,. . w . ! 1 1 I M L 1 m |