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Show BASKETBALL SEASON HAS OPENED WITH A RUSH : The local basketball season is getting get-ting well under way and some interesting inter-esting games have taken place this week and others are scheduled to be played in the near future. Last night the Weber academy team defeated the team of the State School for the Deaf and Blind by tho score of 31 to 18. The gamo wns played at the State School and the lineup was as follows; W. A. Deaf-Mutes Bolnap If Lewis Layman rf Olson Ichards c Jones Herberts rg Price Ferrin lg Savage This . nfternoon a game is being played at the Ogden high school between be-tween the Orange and Black and tho Deaf-Mute teams. The Deaf-Mutes will play with the same men that were in their lineup last night and the high school expected to start the game with Price or Fuller at center, Warner, right forward; Ruby, left forward: Beck, left guard and De Young, right guard. It was- planned by Coach Romney to also use Spong-berg, Spong-berg, De Haan, Glasmnnn, Moyes and Perkins, If necessary. Tomorrow night at the Weber academy acad-emy one of the best teams in the state will be seen in action against tho Purple and White. This is the team from the Salt Lake Y. M. C. A. The game is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock and1 should be full of Interest. Inter-est. While the Y. M. C. A. team is In the collego class, tho recent defeat de-feat by Weber of the team of Oneida Stake academy team, which had a considerable advantage over Weber In weight and experience, makes the Purplo and White confident of mak-qing mak-qing things exceptionally Interesting Inter-esting both for the "fans" and for tho Salt Lake team tomorrow night. Weber will play the same llrfeup that was used in last night's game with the Deaf-Mutes. Deaf-Mutes. Tho first game of the northern dlvl-slon dlvl-slon of the State Hlch Schoni 1p yill be played Saturday night, when tne Ogden high school team will go to Brlgham to play the Box Elder high school. The Box Elder team Is said to be playing fast ball so far this season nnd going after the pennant hard. With the game played this afternoon af-ternoon with the Deaf-Mutes and the grilling practice that It has had since Its recent gamo with Granite, the O. H. S. team expects to be In fine form for tho opening game. The Ogden high school has games scheduled with the Salt Lake high school and the Grantsville high school. The former will he played at Salt Lake City and the latter at Grantsville. Grants-ville. nn |