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Show uu MIGRATORY SHEEP TO BE ASSESSED AT $3.50 Pocatello, Ida., Jan. 2S. The "assessors "assess-ors from all counties in the southern and eastern parts of the state met in Pocatello for the .purpose of devising de-vising a common basis for the assessment as-sessment of migratory stock, which ' was the principal matter under consideration. con-sideration. Bear Lake, Bannock, Bingham, Bonneville. Bon-neville. Jefferson, Madison, Fremont. Franklin, Cassia, Oneida, Power and several other counties were represented. repre-sented. ; h Minidoka and Gooding counties ; fa have been, notified that a tacit agree- ment had been reached .to assess mi- U gratory sheep on the basis of $3.50 i h a head. Other measures of assess- j f ment were taken up and the reports of the assessors, under Idaho's new Q tax law, will have a more uniform ap- p pearance .than heretofore. j |