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Show CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, 111., Jan. 29. Prospects of crop damage from a cold wave tended today to hoist the wheat market. The majority of traders, however, wore inclined to bo cautious in buying on bulges and preferred to take advantage advan-tage of setbacks. A forecast of smaller small-er shipments from Argentina counted against the bears. Prices opened a shade to 3-Sc higher, dipped tempora rlly and then rose more strongly than before. Word that crop damage in Argentina Argen-tina had been greatly exaggerated, gave tho bears an advantage in corn. Wheat strength, however, acted later as more than an offset, Tho opening open-ing was 1-8 to l-4c lower, and there was a slight additional sag after which a rally took place to above last night's level. Oats showed independent firmness due to reports that the yield in Argentina Ar-gentina would be light and be of inferior in-ferior quality. Provisions hardened owing to steady stea-dy prices for hogs. Initial sales varied va-ried from the same as last night to 5 cents higher, and the market sub sequently made a further upturn. Absence of export Inquiry brought about a subsequent wheat reaction. The close was weak, 1-8 to 3-Sc net lower. Profit-taking by longs resulted afterward af-terward in a decline in corn. The close was weak, l-2(g5-8c to 3-4c under un-der last night. New York Stock List (Last Sale) Amalgamated Copper 74 3-8 American Beet Sugar 26 1-2 American Cotton Oil, bid 41 1-4 Amcr. Smelt. & Refining 68 1-4 American Sugar Refining ....107 American Tel & Tel. 123 3-8 Anaconda Mining Co 36 7-S Atchison 99 Atlantic Coast Lino 122 Baltimore & Ohio 97 1-2 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 91 Canadian Pacific 213 1-4 jjSSBJgiii. Chesapeake &. Ohio 66 1-S Chicago, & Northwestern 112 1-2 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 104 Colorado Fuel & Iron 31 3-4 Colorado & Southern 27 1-2 Delaware & Hudson, bid 155 Denver & Rio Grande, bid... IS 3-4 Brie 30 5-S General Electric 146 Great Northern pfd 128 1-4 Great Northern Ore Ctfs 3G 1-4 Illinois Central 112 3-S Interborough-Met 15 3-4 Preferred 61 1-4 Inter Harvester, bid 109 Louisville & Nashville 138 5-8 Missouri Pacific 27 34 Missouri, Kansas & Texas 23 1-8 Lehigh Valley , 153 3-4 National Load . ". 50 New York Central 94 1-8 Norfolk & Western 104 5-8 Northern Pacific. ..114 1-2 Pennsylvania 114 People's Gas 122 1-2 Pullman Palace Car 158 Reading 1GS Rock Island Co 13 5-8 Preferred 20 5-8 Southern Pacific 97 Southern Railway '26 Union Pacific 161 United States Steel 64 1-2 Preferred Ill 5-8 Wabash 3 1-2 Western Union 63 1-2 New Haven 74 nn . |