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Show I THE HOWELL--CARDON CO. I (SUCCESSOR TO HOWELL & CRAWFORD, DRY GOODS) I I WILL GIVE THE I i Most Phenomenal Clearance Sale 1 I in the History of Cache County. I H Every article in the store, excepting Spool Cotton, will come under This Great Cut 1 I Commencing Saturday, April 20 at ( 0 a.m. H This Sale, coming at the opening of the Spring season, is a RARE J H OPPORTUNITY to purchase your I SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS I ' at Prices so Low yot Can Not Resist them. H i 1 i Remember the Sale includes Every Department in the Store. Nothing Reserved. You have a Wfl ft j' J chance at the Entire Stock. We mean every word. If anything is misrepresented I YOUR MONEY BACK. ;. ; . : m itf w-a& TiMTrM-.-. Mr. John W. Crawford, who has been the active H - " iiiiWMjvrM K IE MJ manager for several years, has decided to retire M from business in order to take up the study of medicine. His interests in the business have been pur 1 , chased by Joseph E., Louis S. and John P. Cardon, Melvin J. Ballard and others, all of whom, in con m necction with Joseph Howell, decided that the present stock is too large to carry and must be reduced. m ! I Our Profits Will Entirely Vanish During This Unprecedented Sale. I I We Mean Business. This Immense Stock Must Be Reduced 1 A comparison of Goods and Prices will convince the most skeptical that nothing ever happened like it before in the history of Logan. The fl I management of the new concern will be under the personal direction of Joseph E. Cardon. who will see that every person's wants are attended to. I I Sale Starts Today at 10 O'clock Sharp. H I BE THERE ON TIME 50 SALES LADIES WANTED H i No Samples. No Changes. No Approvals. We Must Have The Cash. See Handbills for Particulars 1 , HOWELL--CARDON CO., I . Comer of Main and First North Streets, S S Logan, Utah I |