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Show Draw Lots for Homes. Houses aro In great demand In Hucklngham, Kngland, but owing to the high prlco of land nnd tho taxes building operations are limited. Ho-contly Ho-contly half a dozen now houses woro erected, and tho applicants received a circular from tho agents, of which tho following is n copy: "With refor-onco refor-onco to your application to becomo tenant of ono of tho now houses, wo beg to say that the numbor of applications applica-tions wo havo received (all of which wo would readily comply with If wo had vacant houses for them) renders tho task of selection so difficult that the owners havo decldod that the 'lots' shall be drawn for. If, therefore, you wish to tnko part In this, pleaso attend at-tend at our ofllco at six o'clock this Qvonlng, or send a trustworthy person with wrltton authority to draw for you. In the event of your being successful suc-cessful in tho drawing, no tefiacy will bo created until tho ngreement has been signed." |