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Show mwmssMaammmmmmmBsaaBammBmB3ammBBKmBSKMKsmssMSBBMsmmmmKBBaasm THATCHER OPERA HOUSE TO - NIGHT The Girl S The Stampede I A Western drama full cf life and comedy presented by a big mot- j ropolltan cast augmented with elegant special scenery and effects. I Prices 75c, 50c, 35c I A SUCCESS I 4,i 4ji I f gMTTI;ria I TncllttlcalrtlghtHIgh- ? I $' ,BE533i35H Oven Range which created -tt ? H BjTl,SjjSSH so much comment last I f H Wt f":nt f summer Is proving a big Jf I fr 11 WSkA success. Last season we fr I 1 rSBPiTnir- 1 solcl au0llt f01" do-cn of t I t whZaMf these stoves and from all ir I $k RifflSHIHBwr' ovcr tlc cou"tr u ,ear I life 'llBiBSn'1 favorable comment, and it r I 1, W fi m& looks like we would double ii I H !t--SF-3Kw 0llr last year's sales the f I ! rflH coming season ! I -tt laMllMBiPi) The only weak point last r I ijf j car the galvanized reser- fjf I u SMESjIB voir will be remedied this ta I 3j? IBp ijB j ear by the putting in an A. I ! MMaA Tlicv aro BUrantced t0 "? I Jfr Bjjjpffife3aL be good bakers, to be air- ?t I rtgwlpyTOS) tight so that jou have ab- I 4J4 WWSwr solute control of the lire, tfc I 3i ' i1?o,l'KSs and to be great fuel havers. . H $J - jou are notsatlstled. V1 I I Everton & Sons, I I I "The Stove Men" - 25 W, 1st North $ $ . w I BBHHHMBMMHHMBBHHa 1 The Flower Store I 45 S. Main St., Logan. I IV7 f'SO lmo seeds tliat urow. We m vv n liivt m)t )CCn .n tlie illlsl-ncss 7oj enough to have any OLD slock. Our I st't'fs an -i A'fir, ;rfs; sfoci and const- quality MUST GROW. I this is not ' "XufSaid" call on us I and net any additional information desired. I Till- I'LOW'PM STORK lienj. Carlisle, Mgr. I The Only I I Method I in buying Pianos and Organs is to buy them on the 1 Merit of the INSTRUMENT, not on the strength of I I aristocratic connections of the firm or the statement that I I some school in Chicago or St. Louis put in an or- I I der for a certain number of a certain kind. 1 !A prospective purchaser should go to a music jj house making a specialty of Pianos and Organs rather than sewing machines or fishing poles, and there in- spect the stock on hand. Examine the instruments 1 carefully, note the workmanship, listen to the tone, 1 j get the opinion of an unbiased musical friend in whom I you have confidence, and then buy what you want. I I Don't let anyone convince you there is only one I 1 make of instrument worth while. This company has 1 I on baud a large stock of varied makes, all good, and at I 3 prices that will interest you. Come in and let us I I show us our instruments and quote you terms. I I Hobbs Music Co. 1 North Main, Logan, Utah. I 8 SHEET MUSIC arriving daily. Every late thing di- fl fr rect from publisher as it comes from the press. g The Price or Health "The price of health In a malarious district Is just 2.) cents; the cost of a box of Or King's New Life l'llls," w rites WlaSlayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life l'llls clcanso gently and Impart new life and vigor to the system. sys-tem. -Jc. Satisfaction guaranteed at Itltcr liros, Drug Co. The Cautious Borrower I 1 exercises care 11 not only In the manner of his borrowing, but in the selection of (he , iH place. The terms and conditions of our loaning are such as to make ;H them acceptable to all k'ood borrow ots H We arc prepared to make a largo number of LOANS, ANY SI.H, I'liiil rrom $100 oo to $0,000 oo f ''H I The FIRST NATIONAL BANK 'H LOGAN, UTAH. j iH j Save Your Money I H j By Buying From Us. 'M JLtOWn MoWCrS t'ood ll' Inch l!."." The"lCas) Huiiucr," -ffll eMragood II Inch, worth JO no at ?l.60 The Famous "Champion Hall Hearing" reduced from S 00 to J." 75 Jl H Guaranteed Garden Hose ''"feet with couplings, IjH $loo and up Thous H amis of feet In stock It will pay ou to buy hoe heie ' il I Ice Greani Freexers ijust icccicd at prices that I hl " will beat all competition H i H Gaiden Hakes and Hoes fiom -m shoelsfiom (0c tie. A lar'e B jH stock of Heet Wecders on hand Lerj tiling in Tools and Hardware H IHI R. LaFount & Co., W. Center In the Matter of ;H Jewelry fl It Is generally conceded that we have the most attractive assortment jf to be seen anywhere In town Just now we hac an unusually Hue va- fll ricty of rings In the latest designs that will Insure suiting any taste if or pleasing any fancy. NH In the matter of watch chains, too, there isn't any doubt about uJ our suiting cvciyone's requirements Our large and varied line of I 9H Simmons Watch and Lorgnette Chains represent the ilnest pioductof ! ifH the foremost chain nnniifacturcrs In all America I fl CARDON JEWELRY CO., Logan, Utah j I Don: yoti want to fl Double Yout Income fl Then Plant the SEEDS fl THAT GROW... 'Nuf Said. Smurtliwaite's Seed Store, Center Street jfl Always Up-to-date and Fresh Stocks. fll Naturopathic Institute. Bk fl Tho best method of curing any 8f mSS 5L i ! Acute or Chromic Disease or n iCJni. r'HI Had Habit is by removing the i? Slw,. I-HHI cause through somo Physical, VrSN? WrV. ''H Mental or 1'sychlc method which y m$$8L. "jM Is harmless but sure. Bf& iW!i& 'H I Try Naturopathy and leiin lSi'-Mmk I Hl I hat you can get cured from any !-'Jki: Mrlfmiiiss iSHH Disease or Had Habit without ' XM,'Mw9i iflHI taking Poisonous Drug Medlclno dmnT 'nWWw'JW'') IlH or often undergoing a useless JMtw$tkJMffl'7 rJHH but fatal operations. f MMM V 1(1 J F PRT1UTSCII, Ps D N D wWBfM IMj i ll VI South Main Street 7??mJf Mi4 I IMH Hell Phono 12') flt &f4slA&Pri ,r .S' g H WHY NOT GET THE BEST? i j&Ss . Weislvo jou lliobestat HALrwIiBtotlmrdciiiM'.i-li.ir!.. Uvausowo Iwllovo In ilnlntf jH -siV tnoro otk, and worklnir for a greater numlicr of lieoplo with less ImllUtlual rokt, without IH I4WmVM&AliES$i?& rubMnir anjonc. TKETH nXTHACTKI) 1'0ITI CI.V NITIIOIT PAIN. Trio with IHI ffMfwiP&tFxt I'lates. OIJIl MOTTOt Honest worle, r.tlr dealings make our success H WoffiZ' ' a? Our prices within tho mneh at everyone. H li$MM' , rJ ',3tn, Tcotli. (Host Ited Itubuer) S7 Oolil rilllinrs im ';SH lfii9JMAJ ,. . 1 r A jiood hot for $5 silver ami Amaliram I minus. ..75c i kJlWjfaSmj0 1 HrlilBo Work. Host .... SS Cement I'IIIIiiki 5c Hl i rtwlJillrWTKt&fa l Crowns, 21 K $5 1'orcclaln I'lilhik-s SS B I Wwi!Gm J 2 yars Protective Guarantee. Freincan3l"e"on ,H nBW W Dental Co. "BP I I WmImMBM'S 47 N. Main Street, over "Hub" ;ZSaHFner A fcTV :H I JuVmrk 234 Main, Salt Lake, and fMflP S' ..Wjjfe) 1 1 'jf5m .N 17 flttVi Park City Utah K Ik j If 'VA tftK& IH I 4llfllk & Imn OpeouatllGlp.m. Sunday.10to2 M' jM I DR ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. Lady Attendant. Both Phonn. 'jH ., jm |