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Show M Pneumonia's Deadly work tt has so seriously affected my right 55 i untf," writes Mrs. Fannie Connor, of Rural Home 1. Georgetown, Term , that I coughed continuously night and ,lay and tlio neighbors' prediction consumption seemed Inevitable, until un-til my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, which in my caso proved to be tho only mut, cough cure and restorer of weak, sore lungs " When all other rciiiPtllc utterly fall, jou may still win In the battle agalnst;iung and throat troubles , with New Discovery, the uv.au cure. A ftuarantecd by Itltcr Hros. Drug Co W 'joe, and $1 00. Trial bottle free. Don't Put Olf for tomorrow what jou can do today. If you put off buying a bottle of Lai-lard's Lai-lard's Snow Liniment, when that pain comes you won't have any, buy a bottle today. A positive cure for IMicumatlsm, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Contracted Musoles, etc. T, S. Graham, Gra-ham, Prairie Orovo, Ark.; writes: "1 wish to thank you for the good results I received from Suow Liniment. It positively cured mo of Rheumatism alter all others had failed." Sold by IUter Hros Drug Co. Bitten by a Spider. Through blood polsinlng caused by a spider bite, John Washington of Hosqucvllle, Tex , would have lost his leg, which became a mass running-sores, running-sores, had ho not been persuaded to try IJucklcn's Arnica Salve. He writes. "The first application relieved, and four boxes healed all the sores." Heals every sore. u'."ic. At Rlter Htos. Drug Co. Why have a tordltl liver when Hetbliie, tho only liver regulator will help you? There Is no reason why you shou'd suf-from suf-from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills and fever or any liver complaints when nerblne will euro you. F. C. Walte, Westvllle, Fla , writes: "I was sick for a month with chills and fever and after taking two bottles of Her-blno Her-blno am well and healthy." Sold by Rlter Hros. Drug Co. Just Because your cough is only In the throat and docs not trouble you now, don't think that It needs no attention. When It has not had much of a start is tho time to check It. Tho slightest cough easily leads to I'ncumonla, Bronchitis, nnd Consumption. A bottle of Hal-lard's Hal-lard's Ilorchound Syrup will euro thut cough. Tho price puts It within reach of all. cjold by Rlter Bros. Drug Co. HHH ''BhI i HHHJ 1 0HP) te "ou m tlli8' I I '( mm 'i "Piiifctr'y Of course u are, and so will hundreds, per- L m 1 BftjA PjS lial)S thousands of others. YOUR ad would g ;H vSnsl fa 1 ' kfi rcn(l ne,'e don't you think? If you have V 'M 1 W' XTi7 I anything to tell the people, why not try these L ') i tam VF 'IftCijj I columns? It doesn't cost much. Riuy up U .vH U ' The Republican and we'll tell you about it. r m 1 d X J jX JL JX Xl, ,B 4 m 3 J? Jft . J3 1 j ta rife bK HBs ta mtx data flKsH rj" du tn(y fc&i dHi UW i il I I II SIX HIST MNAOKIt Cache Valley Livery Co.... Livery Feed and Transfer Stable. Uus Meets all Trains. Commercial . Trade Solicited Stables rear of Kaglc Hotel Entrance 1st North Street. Bell offlce nhonc 58; Ind. office phone 11 Bellies phone 60. LOGAN, - - UTAH. Robert Whitmer Tin and Locksmith. Roofing and guttering a specialty. Work dono on slort notice, SMovrs rt'imlml. Bell Phone 3H5y. 52 W. First North. John A. Sneddon Attorncy-M-Uw. Over liit National Dank Estates Probated General Law Practice Jos. Wilson & Son Bran and Iron Founders, rtf-hlaclilnlstf. machinery reinlrlnK of all kind done: e osltlvely manufacture the best and cheapest snivel for bay dirrlcks ever placed on llic market. William Bowen tlvcry and Ftcd Stables. Livery and baifttairo promptly attended to connections mado ultli all trains com- - trade solicited. I'lrst West street, Lotran, Utah Peterson & Sons. Hit Painters. Cold sU-nt. window lettering, card Minis, pictorial slKiis. palntid bulletins, wall UN-plays, UN-plays, General palntlnir of all kinds In up-to-date manner. All work truarantetd. fchop South Main street J. Z. Stewart Jr. Attorncy-at-Law. Estates probated, collections, general law practice. Logan Utah Nebeker, Hart & Nebeker Lanvtrs. Suite I and 0 commercial block i Logan. Utah 'Phono 70. p o box 51 Logan Elevator Isaac Jorgcnscn. Prop. Dealer In all klndsof grain and seedsi car-shipments car-shipments a specialty. IM E Ind south phono lWx James T. Hammond Aitornty and Attorntv-at-Uw. Booms 315-310 McCornlck Blk, Salt Lake City, Utah. FRED J. HOLTON, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Olllco at Itooin 23 I'lrst National Hank UulUlIng, Ilrlg-ham Ilrlg-ham City. Utah. Telephone 31, Lock llox "F. U. O. M. & B. Co. Lumber Dealers. rWKloorlnr, celling, rustic, lath, doors, aasb, mouldings, locks, hinges, nails, bolts, builders hardware and palntsi Geo Colo, Mgr Phono 411 l O box 02 James C. Walters ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Union Illock 75 North Main Street 11. A. Pedersen & Co. 8EAL ESTATE, LOANS.INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS Tried, Truo and Itellable. Office over I'lrst National Hank, Logan, Ut I'ostottlce llox 353. Phono 163 X Correspondence In any Lanruage answered I Utah Mortgage Loan j corporation. Tllhlna Office corner, login, Utah has plenty of MONKY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged Q.W. Lindquist Undertaker & Erabalmcr. 'phone-oHlcc l!7i 'phone resldenco 3k John Bench Dry Goods Urocerles. and Notion? SU south main Palace Meat Market. Rust & Reading, Props. I'rlmelheef, Mutton, l'ork. Vial, ur . etr WOunu mil Poultry In season. K) West Ctnlir street. Real estate, loans, Insurance We loon money on most favorable terms, sell farms and city property and uilte Insurance In-surance In Utah and Idaho, J. Z. Stewart, Manager. John Thomas Merchant Tailor, ltrLeadlng tailor of northern Utahi call at his new storo No, 70 weit 1st norll A fine llnu of I'all and Whiter samples ()' Suitings tor Inspection. Logan Utah Odell Photo Studio Family Groups a Specialty. tVl'ortralts enlarged In crayon, India Ink, pastel and water colors Main anr center streets. Louan. Utah Joseph Tarbet The Plumber. PfOrders executed, satisfaction guaran teed on short notice 140 N Main street. Logan, Lo-gan, Utah Logan Steam Laundry 46 West 1st North. First-class cfllclcnt work done on short notice i family washes a specialty! satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed. Phone ltli Q. Ruchti Merchant Tailor. Ladles and Gents Clothlngof all kinds neatly cleaned and repaired. 71 West 1st North. i 7 m ! W IC S L V. V .1 A ( (j U 10 S .U Barber Shop M and Bath Rooms fl We employ none but Experienced lfl Harbors, thus ensuring the H Host of Service. jfll Kvciythlng clean and Up-to-date. 91 Wo solicit your patronage and -fM will do our best to !H please you. Jl HASKM BNT TIIATCIIKIt HANK H H. D.HANSEN ' -M Practical Shoemaker ,gH Mending done hort lot Ice. lUm Our aim Is to satisfy our patrons, so JH that their trade nil. continue with us IH Shop on West 1st North ffl Logan Lumber Yard, IH Dealers In lumber, Doors, Sash and Mouldl-gs 'fiH Shop work done on short notice. '11 Hell Phone 111?. 157 W dlh South. M Ki.mhu Johnson, Mgr j H LOGAN JUNK SHOP 1 Hiing all scrap Iron, melal, bottles H rngs and rubbers, hides and bees wax, H lor which we will pay the highest iUm cash price Ind phone .'I.'I7 Hell photic IH io2. . mm 146 South Main St. M Affleck Machine ffl Shop. jl Uo to Alllcck's Machine Shop and IH Foundry for Iron nun Hrass Castings fll and all kinds of machine repairs, 150 I). 1st South St. Opposite Cential Um mills. Wm. Alllcck, Prop. H |