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Show The House of Cornellle. The houso In which Cornellle lived at Rouen, and where he composed tho "Cld," "Polyoucte," "China," and noar-ly noar-ly all his beautiful plays, Is for Bale for $9,000, and a proposal has been mado to open a public subscription for Its purchaso and preservation as an historical monument. For tho last 100 years periodical attempts at-tempts havo been mado to secure It for tho state, but always without success, suc-cess, In 1S02 Napoleon himself took an Interest In tho question and urged tho mayor to find tho means for Its purchase. Cornellle, It Is snld, wroto moBt of I his plnys In tho room adjoining the bar, and tho Jokes, nolso nnd rovel of tho guests, It Is addded, used to bo qulto an Inspiration to him. After 200 years tho bar Is still frequented by merry drinkers. |