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Show Horse Fair in Logan To-day Many Fine Horses Will be in Big Parade That Takes Place at II O'clock. Late yesterday eenlng the Indication Indica-tion vva that there would be a large number of horses entered In tho Horse Fair held In this city today. Many tine lioklng animals had already arrived ar-rived and late advices were to tho effect ef-fect that all of Iho towns of tho valley val-ley would be handsomely represented. It was also expected that a car load of Imported animals from an Odcn tlrm would reach here by this morning. morn-ing. The olllclals of the Fair are quite sanqulne of a very respectable showing of horses dcsplto the extreme weather and worse road. The grand parade will be pulled otf at 11 o'clock, the lioises starting from the raco track at the city park, thence up past tho IS Y C. to Main street. Tho parade will continue on Main to the court house corner, counter march to Center street and then back to the race track. During the afternoon the judging will bo done by Mr. James Hay, an expert ex-pert horseman of Salt Lake Clty.and following the awards, tho prtoo winners win-ners will again be paraded on Main street. The event has created no little enthusiasm en-thusiasm among Cache horseman. |