OCR Text |
Show How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims or appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orlno Laxative Fruit Svrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate nause-ate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes For sale by all druggists County Officers. A M. Iiratlsen, Clini. lid, Comniliiloners J. C. Knowlui. Commlvdsner. IGeoruu Godfrey. CommUIoncr T. ll.fmllti. Slicrlll. .loslii'iili Larscn, Clork. .lolm I Toolscn. Treasurer. Sarah Merrill. ltecorder. Hiieciiu Scliauli, Surveyor. Martin Olson, Assessor. A, A. Law, Attorney. J. U McCarrov. Suiit. of Schools. 11. IC. .Merrill, County Physician. Niels It. Iiroby, 1'rultTreo Inspector Iver Nielsen, 1'lsli and Game Coiiimlssnr. Justice of the Peace , Avon Samuel IlanKlicad Itlclimond-Wm II III11 LoKan Win. llraiivliani. Wcllsvllle-SamuellMlall Ilyrum James L Jensen ICovovlllo-EllaaS Larcn l'rovldenco E I Hansen Pmltlifleld Samuel Nelson. BTrcnton-A J Hill CoIIcbo John Selionk Mcndon Andrew Adderson l'aradlso John McMurdlo Mlllvllu James A Hovey Clarkston James II. Jardlno Hydo l'ark .1, V. Seainons OTHERS HAVE NOT QUALIFIELD. Wlieolcr-Loran V, Marlei. I Constable. I Avon Abo I'rodrlckson Hlchmond-C V Clirlstonson glk Ixitfan-Gcoreo I 1'arnea ,f CovovllIo-NotQuallllcld M I'rovldenco-0 M Hammond M Hydo Park-.!. W. Perkes H Pmlllifleld-Wm, lMlklngton Trcnon-Not QuallHed ColIcso-LovonusOlsen H Mention Joseiih 11. Hardman H Lowlston Samuel II Kent Newton John Hansen 1 H llyrum-It II Mol'arlano H llcnson John V Keeso H Paradise, Charles l'earoo 1 OTHERS HAVE NOT QUALIFIED. I Wollsvlllo-Dalvd W Jones |