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Show CHARACTER liJ FACE H READING OF THE FEATURES NOW H AN EXACT SCIENCE. H Temperament and Disposition of In- dlvlduals Plainly Shown, Ac- U cording to Woman Who H Has Studied Subject. H 'I'lio faco ns a map of ciinractcr and fl disposition Ih tlio uubj,t "t mi ulab- m urnto study by mi Kngilsh woman. M Shu holds that thu t fading of tho fc.v H till 09 can ho reduced to an exact H Tlicro Is an elaborato classification M of oyes. Aiming tlio bread dudiic- H tlona Is, tho dictum Hint dark oyos M Invariably Indlcato it strong, passion- M ato tmtiiro, whllu light bluo ones show H n cnlcillallng, cool and resolute char- H Light brown eyes are slgtiB of In- M tolllgoncc, fancy, llrlilcness In lovo M anil a laplilly lluctuatlug tempera-. H ment. A siito Indication of oratorical B gift Is projecting eyes and they also 1 betoken literary slilll In the use of H language. H A strongly developed nose Is a H mark of superior endowments. Tho H owner of a big nose has more energy H than tho owner of a small one. H Tho nostrils also have their stg- H niriranco. Large nostrils Indlcato H courago; little ones, cowardice. Long H nanow ones show activity anil bodily H vigor. Ilroad nostrils opening toward H the sldo show u prcilllcctlon for H I horses. H Mouth and lips are full of sug- H gestlvencss. Tho man with a hang- H Ing underlli Is apt to lack perse- H vcrance and concentration of pur- H pose. The modest iiidlvldunl's lower H lip Is habitually pressed close against H tho upper Up at the center. H The chin and lower Jawbono aro H Important Indices of character. Truo love Is evident In a face In which tho H Jawbone broadens clear back to tho H level of the wisdom teeth. This .la true, both of men and women. The youth who seeks an nmtablo H spirit lu hlu sweetheart must choose H n girl with pontly curving lower H lips and full a .d well rounded chin; H lux eyes must be soft and brown. If H lie desires great constancy, ho must B look carefully to the spicad of her lower Jaw, Kconomy is promised by a Jaw. Kconomy is promised by a widening of tho nosn Just above tho H wings of the nostills. H On the other hand, the young worn- H an who desires an Industrious hus- band should cliooso a man with long upper Up. If she deslies een good temper lu her spouse, hhu hail best chooso ouu with inund faco and curly Good Judgment It the essential characteristic of men and women. Invaluable to good business busi-ness mep and necessary to housewives. I A woman shows good Judgement when she buys Whites Cream Vermifuge j for her baby. Tho best worm medicine medi-cine ccr ollcrcd to mothers. Many indeed aro thc'scnsible mothcis; who wrote expressing their gratitude for the good health of their children, which they owe to the use of White's Cream Vermifuge. Sold by Itltcr Hros Drug Co. |