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Show How Flovers Were Named. It Is Inter'" 'ng to l;--nv how certain flowers got lielr nnmes. Mnny wero named after Individuals. Kor instance, fuchsias wero so culled becauso tlioy were discovered by Leonard Kuchs. Dahlias woro named for Androw Dahl, who brought them from Peru. The cnmelln was so called for n missionary named Knmcl, who brouglit some mag-ntflceut mag-ntflceut specimens of tho flower to Finnco fiom .Inpnn. Ho cnlled It tho roso of Japan, but bis rrlcnds changed it to cninelln. JIagnollas woro named In honor of Prof. Magnol Do Mont-Iieller, Mont-Iieller, who first brought tho beautiful trees to Franco from America nnd Asia. Ilecauso tlioy trcmblo with tho wind Is tlio meaning of anemoncB. Tho Latin word to wash Is lavaro and lavender lav-ender received Its iiamo because the Romans put tho flowers Into tho wnter when they washed to pertumo their hands. |