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Show MISSIONARIES' MISTAKES. Sir I'rne.st Sntow, minister nt Poking, speaking on (he subject of I C'htihtian missions and tlieir political polit-ical ell'ects, said that niUionnry work in China had received addi-I addi-I tional interest lately because of the I apparent awakening of Chinese dc-i dc-i sire for education on the European . plan. lie was not nware, however, that there was any great cruing for tlio spiritual hide of European civilization. civiliza-tion. Tho Chine.-e saw that Europeans Euro-peans had ouMvomo them by rea-on of Ihoir superior knowledge of physical phys-ical science. They would liko to build ironclads and supply themselves them-selves with railways, electric light, and things of that sort which might help their material advancement, and that was all. |