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Show GLUED THEM DOWN HOW A 6KIPPER SAVED HIS SHIP, FROM SAVAGES. I South Sea Island Natives Were Deeld- ! edly Up Against It When They I Mixed Things with Capt. McCabe. "It was when I was trading nround (1m South sen Islands ttint I had n narrow escape fiom a band of savages I that were going to take my ship," said ' Capt. McCnbo, tho veteran sailor who has now . settled nslioro to pass hli das In leisure, to n Seattle Poat-Intel-1 llgencer man. "It cumo near having n serious ending for me, but I camo out abend after nil. "1 was sailing In a pretty little schooner, tho .Mat tie V., and wo had I n general cargo for trading. Setting , on deck wero nbout 20 cases of u gluo that was never known to let go, but wo couldn't sell n bit of It. "Well, wo got down to Mllcccllo, ono of the group of tlio New Hebrides, und 1 there wo anchored in Mnnloy bay. Tho snowy sand of tho beach was shaded by waving palms and tho blieltored waters of tho bay wero warm und as clear as crystal. Wo lay there for a week resting tip nnd cleaning up tho ship. Wo bad be.-n ti tiding for almost a year then nnd there was nothing loft but tho glue and that was piled along-sldo along-sldo tlio compnnlon way. "Well, one nf lei noon I let nil the crow go ashoic, and they were Inland or away swimming In tho clear witter. I lay down to have 11 snooz.o. Suddenly Sudden-ly 1 wns awakened by n sharp Jolt and nil around mo were South sen savages. They were armed with spenrs, bows ' and urrows and stono tomahawks. ' Theh actions woro hostile nnd I saw light away that I was up ngnlnst It. I was alone on tho essel with all these armed heathens. "Just then I happened to touch ono of those gluo boxes and In n flash an Idea camo to mo. There was n largo bunch standing near the main flfo rail nnd I grabbed five bottles and threw them at that crowd of savages ono after tho other. Tho bottles woro thin glass and every ono broke. Then, before be-fore tho savnges could recover their wits, I started throwing nioro. Tho glass would break nnd the gluo ran all over them. When they tried to walk tho glass would cut their feet and In n few minutes I had that whole crowd of savages glued to the deck unable to niovo. Tho gluo hardened almost instantly in-stantly on touching tho air nnd this was what saved inc. "When I saw that they wero nil caught I signaled for tho crew to return re-turn and then wo welched anchor nnd put off foi Ci "irlotlf. In tho Ollbort Islands, wlief" there woro laborors wanted. I wasn't 01 paging hi the' slnvo trade, mind you. becauso theso natives had come on board of their own frco will and hadn't left. I "At Clinrlotto a planter offered to' pry thoso Bnwigos loose from tho deck j and glvo $1,000 to boot, and I lot him do It. That planter also took nil tho rest of tlio gluo thnt we had. "Thnt was ono of the most fortunnto voynges that ever I made." |