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Show Richmond and Wellsville News Death and Several Births at Former; General Lot of Items from Latter. IUCIIMOrs'l), April U). Once more within a very short time death has visited the household of James Hate-man. Hate-man. The last sad case occurred Thursday afternoon In the passing away of their thirteen months old baby, Earl, caused through spinal trouble. The funeral services will be held at the residence Saturdaj (to-day) at two p in. Many friends hcie extend ex-tend heartfelt sympathy. That thu farmers of this section are greatly appreciative of the high price paid for butter fat by the Utah Condensed Con-densed Milk Co. of this place Is evi dent by the fact that the quantity of milk received at the local factory during dur-ing February and March was over tlfty per cent more than the receipts for the same month1 last year. The company Is now shipping out a carload of condensed con-densed milk dally and Is paying over $100 dally in wages; all of which Is worthy of mention, particularly so lor the short time they have been In business busi-ness The Local Register's report from Richmond to the Utah State Hoaid of Health for the quarter ending March 31 showed but fifteen bhths and six deaths. Three new arrivals are: Olil to Mr. and Mis. John A. Johnson, girl to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merrill, boy to Mr. and Mrs George Egan. Luther Hurnham left here a few dajs ago for Hexburg, where he will make his home in the future. It required re-quired a car to ship his horses, farming farm-ing material and household effects His wife and little one will follow In a short time. The Hall has Just been wired by Electilclan Daniels and his men. They put in sixty-Ihc lights, which will be a great Impiovement over the old lighting sjstcm. W, A Hair, who recently purchased tho Glover farm of 2L'0 acres in Lewis-ton, Lewis-ton, is well pleased with his purchase Mr. and Mis. J. C. Knowles were visitors to Richmond last week, stopping stop-ping with their son, J. H. Jnowles. Work on the Hank and Electric Light building was resumed last week and the walls of the second story are now near completion. Jos. Clirlstolfcrscn and Carl Olsen have rented the farming lands of W. D. Hendricks and Thos. Plant In Richmond and will farm them this season. J. 1. SI epau', Jas W. Funk and August S. hehow went toS.iltLiki Thuisday. Miss Ann and Ada Anderson were L)gan visitors Filday. WELLSVILLE.Aprll IS -On Monday Mon-day night a party was given In the Wellsville palllon by the Y L M.I. A. in honor of the Y. M M LA, the latter having discontinued their work for this season Put Ing the evening the oillcers of tho Y L M. 1. A. acted as waiters and served refreshments re-freshments to all present. A very Urge crowd attended the party,clghty- llvo tickets having been sold. An enjoyable en-joyable time was had by, all present and tho oillcers of the Y.L. M. I. A. wero highly pleased with the success of the party The young ladles will continue tl.elr work during the season. sea-son. Tho pcoplo of Wellsville seem to be quite excited about a number of cases of whooping cough which have broken out In the south-western part of the city. Every precaution Is being taken to prevent the spicad of the disease and It Is hoped that It will soon be stamped from out of our midst. Alex W. Archibald, a recently returned re-turned missionary from the Southern States, addressed the people Sunday. It Is very evident from his excellent remarks that Alex has made good use of his time during the past two jears Tho Wellsville Sunday school Is making preparation for our May day celebration. A committee has been appointed to make the program and other arrangements The piogram wilt be read next Sunday. Mrs Euphcmla Maughan, whose health has been in poor condition the last two months, Is so much lmpioed that she was able to return to her home last Sunday. Mis Maughan has been In Logan Hon Joseph Howell, spent last Friday in our city, looking after business busi-ness all.ilis hcie Mr Howell stated that he enjojed himself Immensely at the party In the pavilion last Friday night Miss Ethel Haughand Waller Aylett went to Salt Lake City Wednesday raoinlng to visit with relalies and friends there. Hcber Parker and son Heber have returned home after a six week's business busi-ness trip to California Miss IvyCoburn, who is attending the University, came up and has been visiting with relatives and friends for the past week. She returned to Salt Lake again Wednesday morning. Mosc Garrett U at homo from Idaho Falls, whefe ho has been working the past four or live months. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (-111111011 left Monday morning for their Much at Bancroft, Ida , where l hey will remain re-main during the summci |