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Show Must Have Been Sanitary. Both tho mei cal ofllcor and tho surveyor of 'vo Tarvln (ClieBter) rural district cournll have condomned a cottage cot-tage at Caldecott Oreon, near Farn-don, Farn-don, tfnglan ', for demolition as Insanitary. In-sanitary. Hut tho tenant, an old man, appeared be" to tho council and told a remarkable story "In stay of execution." execu-tion." Ho staled that ho was 73 years old, and live ' In tho cottago with hla wlfo and three children. For CO years there had uot been a caso of Illness In his family, n'.s father and mother lived In the -Dttago br" ro him; his father died at tho age of 96 and tho mother at 8S. Ho did not think that thero could ho much wrong with the cottage In the face of tfceso facts. In roply to tho clerk the old follow said that peroBnally ho had nover had a doctor, tind tho only tlmo a medical man had been iu his cottago was when hlB littlo sou had scalded his leg. Under tho exceptional circumstances tho council decided to adjourn tho matter for further Inquiries to ho mado. |